

  • I know how you feel. I used to hit the gym almost daily and rationalize that large pizza that I'd eat in about 10 minutes. Back when I was really into getting fit, I had a realization that made al ot of sense at the time, but had a lot of life get in the way of following through. Fitness is 2 fold: Exercise and Nutrition.…
  • Almonds are healthy. They do however have a high fat count, but the fats are healthy fats. The reason people say stay away from almonds is because in truly raw almonds (not the ones you buy in the jar that say raw) you stand a very high risk of salmonella from mishandling. Other than that I can't find anything on why they…
  • I drink green tea daily. I see no problem with the antioxidants working or not. However, I know from previous experience that it does boost metabolism and that for me is all I need out of it. As for whether or not they work... If they do, then great. If they don't well its no big deal since it's still A LOT healthier than…
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