Liselotte66 Member


  • I was at 185lbs when I graduated High Scholl wayyy back in 85. I've never been a "little" girl although short, only 5'4". Been working out my whole life it at 46 yrs old and 119 I feel better than ever!!! Kudos to you for your success!!
  • Great posts everyone :happy: Thanks for responding...that too makes it all worth it!!! WE ALL ROCK!!!!
  • Shelly, Reading this was like I had written it myself. In exact same position. Obsessed with the scale getting down to 120. (I'm a little taller 5'4, but still want to get there. I've lost 32 lbs and am at 125..for the last 2 months, can't break the plateau :(. Most people say I look great-fit and very muscular-some say…