Im a Newbie!

Hi, Im Shelly. 45F. 5 feet short, 127 pounds. I have a desk job all day but I am a religious follower of Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat classes. I exercise 6 days a week doing those classes and usually walking or jogging on day7. I have lost allot of inches doing the Les Mills Classes but only about 7 pounds in the last few months. I consider myself fit.

My problem....I am obsessed with seeing the scale go down more. Co-workers and family tell me they think I suffer from Body Dismorphia but I don't think I do. I just want to be the best me I can. In my mind that means having the scale say 120 because I am so short. If I look at those "what should I weigh weight loss charts" I am considered on the border of overweight. Here is another problem that I hate to admit. I can eat clean and great all day long, but as soon as that last class is over and I am saturated in sweat, I STUPIDLY fall off the wagon and eat something that defeats everything I just did. A Cookie, a brownie something, anything, I am my own worst enemy.

What kills me is I am not weak anywhere else in my life. I made it through college later in life, I have managed to stay married for 22 years to my best friend and greatest supporter (he by the way is a personal trainer) I am dedicated to my job and work very hard there. My husband is very strong and motivated and passionate about not growing old gracefully. He fights it every second of every day. I subscribe to this same philosophy EXCEPT WHEN I BLOW IT! I eat mostly proteins and low carb/sugar free/low glycemic foods (EXCEPT FOR THOSE DAMN COOKIES)

I know what I have to do, but I continue to sabotage myself.....that's the part of myself that I cant stand.

anyone else a closet cookie eater? any advice on how to change this part of me?


  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I LOVE cookies! :love:

    Just enter them into your food log and go on about your life. If you try to keep something you love out of your life, you'll eventually regress/binge.

    Good luck!
  • Liselotte66
    Liselotte66 Posts: 4 Member
    Reading this was like I had written it myself. In exact same position. Obsessed with the scale getting down to 120. (I'm a little taller 5'4, but still want to get there. I've lost 32 lbs and am at 125..for the last 2 months, can't break the plateau :(. Most people say I look great-fit and very muscular-some say I'm getting too thin-but I still see myself as the 157 lb person I was.
    AND those damn cookies and Dove Chocolate's are kicking my butt :) I do great all day, but after an excellent very healthy dinner the sweet tooth sets in.
    I think the key is- for both of us...don't beat ourselves up..listen to what people are telling us-We look GOOD and work hard to do so. If chocolate and a cookie fits into our daily matrix, then we should go for it and enjoy!!!
    I'm responding to you, because I "feel your pain" and hope that we can both get some support from other members!!

    DON"T BEAT YOURSELF UP...we have to live a little too :)
  • shelliemacs
    shelliemacs Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you both for the welcome and encouragement. I do beat myself up, DAILY. its sometimes so frustrating to do 99% correct and that 1% just throws you in the crapper. I guess all I can do is wake up every day and do my best.