Thanks! :)
There's a large difference between pronouncing words incorrctly and those same words sounding different because of an acent. Also some one brought up the pronounciation of French words, such as foyer.....the proper ENGLISH pronunciation is FOY_ER....not FOY_EY.....that would be the French ponounciation. Same with names of…
I live in north eastern Pennsylvania......I could fill up this whole topic!....but one thing that drives me crazy is people skipping words....It's more prominent in western "my car needs fixed"......what about the "to be" in there?!?! car needs TO BE fixed!!!
Nice Job!!...that's where I'm heading too!
Shane....that would be wrong.....we have road construction in the winter too!!
Hi All......NEPA....Scranton in NJ now though.
I drive 100 miles round trip.....spend about 35 bucks a week.....I drive a 2012 ford fiesta....average about 38 mpg combined milage, but most of it's on the highway......
you look like 2 different people! Way to go....keep it up!
-'s not perfect, you do have to do some research for yourself.....but once you enter and save foods that you eat, and recipes you use a lot, it becomes much more accurate. I use this database too, as well as the usda site. stick with works....even if the numbers are slightly…
Awesome! Great job