citygirl17 Member


  • Welcome to MFP! The food-logging tool has been the biggest help to me! Hope you enjoy =)
  • I have the Polar FT60 and use it all the time for calorie burn. If anything, it might underestimate the calories I burned, so I think you'd be fine eating back the calories. I worked with a trainer for 10 months, and by keeping track of my eating and using my HRM for both cardio and Weight Training, I got amazing results.…
  • I'll have to look for an AMT next time I visit a friend's gym - mine doesn't have them & you've all got my curiosity piqued! I'll agree the ARC kicks my butt - that and the Stairmaster. You'll build up your time, just keep on using it!
  • Heart Rate Monitors definitely help, as they take into account your resting heart rate + age + height + weight, and actual exertion. I know that for the most part, machines in the gym that "count" the calories you've burned are giving an average based on other data and the information that you input (usually weight and…
  • I know I'm a day late, but can I join in too? KPopa recommended MFP, and I want to get involved! SW: 185 I've gained at least 20 lbs since last summer and I'm ready to lose! Goals: 3 lbs in 2 weeks - GW = 182 Log on everyday Be at/under calories at least 5 days per week (weekends are scaring me)