How do I know if I really am burning this many calories?

Hey. I'm new to this site, and I am really liking it. The last few days I've been good and haven't gone over the calories I've been given. I can't help but think this is mainly to do with the fact I do a lot of walking in 30-60 minute periods. I have calculated the time it takes me, and have worked out I walk at more than 3.5 miles per hour, so I click the 'brisk walk' option for my cardio exercise on this site.

I burn so many calories just by walking to and from somewhere every day, but am I being too generous with myself? I don't want to keep eating the rest of my calories just to find out that I hadn't burnt them off at all. Please help?



  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    I usually never eat my burned calories because i don't know whether they are accurate. For me I when I do exercise I log it with what it says here. And if I go over by a few then it doesn't feel as bad.
    The best way to find out is getting a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) so I've been told!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I also rarely eat my exercise calories, if I do I only eat a small amount. I know other eat 1/2 their calories, some eat all of the exercise calories. I think if you dont eat them all then you are safe if you overestimate. But I agree a HRM is the only way to tell for sure how many calories you are actually burning
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I burn so many calories just by walking to and from somewhere every day, but am I being too generous with myself? I don't want to keep eating the rest of my calories just to find out that I hadn't burnt them off at all. Please help?

    It's all an estimate- the only "accurate" way to know is to get an HRM. But even the best of those are still an estimate (just more accurate because it's based on your individual heart rate). Calories are really abstract- not quite as concrete as we treat them often.

    If you are worried about over eating these cals you can do 1 of 2 things- 1) change your settings to lightly active- it will bolster your cals by a bit for each day, and in this case you wouldnt log your walking. 2) Log about 75% of your walking so that you can ensure you arent over eating but that you don't accidentally undereat as well.

    Eat as many of your exercise cals as you can- it really does help- your body needs them.

    Good Luck!
  • citygirl17
    citygirl17 Posts: 5 Member
    Heart Rate Monitors definitely help, as they take into account your resting heart rate + age + height + weight, and actual exertion. I know that for the most part, machines in the gym that "count" the calories you've burned are giving an average based on other data and the information that you input (usually weight and age.)

    Most of my research on this (online, health magazines, trainers, etc...) has said to take off 15-20% of the calories the machine says you've burned. Not sure if this site takes that "rule" into account...

    Good luck with your goals. I just joined the site too, feel free to add me as a friend - I'd love the extra support!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    your regular daily walking should not be logged as exercise. That is built into your daily activity level and you are already eating for that. It sounds to me like you mean "a lot of walking" as in, throughout your normal day/workday. If so, your activity level should be set as active, and do not add that in the cardio section.
    Only if you are telling yourself "ok, time to work out", change your clothes, put on your workout shoes, get on a treadmill or go out for a specific walk, etc, THEN that is "exercise". It has to be something you consciously chose to do above and beyond what you would normally do in a day.

    So if you mean "normal" walking, then NO, do not eat more for that or you could actually GAIN weight.