Bonstizzle Member


  • Im back to mfp after a long hiatus. I am looking for some friends to support me and I will offer the same along the way. Send me a message let me know if you wanna be friends :)
  • I have noticed Mom, that not only do you look better but you FEEL better! I am so proud of you!
  • FIBER FIBER FIBER :) It seriously will fill you up. Fruit, whole grains, or even a fiber supplement. Also when you feel yourself getting hungry...try drinking a large glass of water and then wait about 10 minutes and then see how you feel then. Sometimes your body is actually more thirsty than hungry.
  • I think you will find that very imformative.
  • I would say no, you are not over doing it. Dr. Oz even recommends taking a daily fiber supplement because even though we are eating healthy fruits and vegetables, it still can not be enough. :)
  • I have PCOS and I am so concerned with the possibilty that I won't be able to have children..I know it says that it is possible and that there are people who have PCOS and children, but I am just scared. That is part of the reason I am so determined to lose weight.
  • I have had the same box of tampons now for about 4 years! I never get periods, recently though, when I lost some weight, they started up again...super light though with still no need for tampons! hahaha.
  • Thanks everybody :) It is so encouraging to know that there are people going through the same struggles as me. I cannot wait to see what happens when I lose the weight. When I was younger I didn't show as many of the symptoms, I didn't even know I had it. Just weird irregular periods that I though was normal and my doctor…
  • One of my friends is doing it now and I am on my own program and we have been doing our programs for the same amount of time. His *kitten* is getting kicked and it turned out I am losing more weight. BUT... apparently we found that P90X is the second part there is a beginner part called Power 90 that is suppose to be…
    in P90X Comment by Bonstizzle January 2011
  • Ziaki has it right :) A pool is the best thing and you can do some great exercise in a pool! That is how my grandmother exercises since she is older and to much strenuous stuff is hard on her.
  • Here is a super simple recipe: 1 jar salsa chicken breast (2-4) place chicken in slow cooker, throw salsa on top, (I swish a little bit of water around in the jar to get the last bit of salsa out and throw that in too) cook for 8-10 hours. You can put it on top of taco salads, rice, burritos. Last night I wrapped it in a…
  • Here is a super simple recipe: 1 jar salsa chicken breast (2-4) place chicken in slow cooker, throw salsa on top, (I swish a little bit of water around in the jar to get the last bit of salsa out and throw that in too) cook for 8-10 hours. You can put it on top of taco salads, rice, burritos. Last night I wrapped it in a…