shawruff Member


  • A couple of items to note - the machines are not as accurate as you think in calculating calorie expenditures and are you weighing and measuring all your food. Also you didn't mention how long you have been dieting and working out. Finally, AGE, does play a big part in weight lose.
  • I HATE ICE CREAM. Sometimes, I will get a craving and go to the ice cream palor, then look at the ice cream and walk out. I also don't like mayo, sour cream, ranch anything. BUT I love potatoe chips.
  • Hi I at one point weighed 280 and I started strenght training. Like a poster said, you can start using your own body weight to strength training. You can starts with squats, lunges, leg lifts, wall push-ups, arm raises. Also, buy a beginners toning video and start with light weight like 3s and 5s. BUT, consult with a doc…
  • I do a combo of both. During the week, I really try to think about nutrition and what will fuel my body and mind. During the weekend, when i am on the go and eating more meals out or having drinks, i think more about calories. BUT, saying that, i suffer from severe iron deficient anemia so I also ensure that i get my Iron…