

  • Try changing your workout. Your body may have also gained muscle which counts towards your weight. But perhaps changing what your workout routine is will help you get back on track. Or you could try a beach body cleanse. I have tried it and it really helps get you out of that slump. It's only three days but it really helps…
  • My face started to break out as well when I got back into a good workout routine and started drinking a lot more water throughout the day. I try to drink at least 60-140 ounces (or up to 101.7 liters) of water a day. :laugh: But I also found that my cleansers were not working on the milia or the breakouts. The milia are…
  • I love that so many people are doing Piyo on here. I started my second month about a week ago and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this program. When I first started I was really discouraged because I had a lot of difficulties with the routines. I am obese, we will just say obese because that is what I am, lol but within the…