

  • Im starting this one mid way through july, so im going to make my goal an easy one :D 36 Running miles is my goal! Luckily i've managed to keep track of my miles on my nike+ running app I'd cover walking miles way too easily as im a postwoman, so its all running!
  • You've got to remember BMI doesn't take in all the facts. If you've been exercising more, the weight gain could be muscular instead of fat. The BMI scale is over 100 years old, and extremely out-dated. Don't let it get you down!
  • I've never been a small girl, and i've always been extremely self concious about my thighs. When I met my boyfriend I became comfortable and started eating more and more, and exercising less and less. My clothes gradually started to get tighter but I didnt think too much of it. Christmas 2013 I weighed myself, and I was at…