edemaknn Member


  • I just started Week 2 and I am planning on participating in my first 5K race April 28th. My goal is to finish the race without walking, no matter how slow my time is. I can work on my time for the next race. Congrats and I can't wait to join the club!
  • I have often wondered this myself. I work midnights in an adult foster care home (11p-7a) and then I go to school all day til about 3pm. For the last little while I have been starting my days when I go to work, so 11pm everyday. This includes my day offs which do get a little wacked out from flip-flop schedules. I try to…
  • Well, I have lost 1.4 pounds a week ago and managed to keep it off this week. It is hard to make sure I eat right and workout while working 2 jobs (one is midnight shifts) and carrying 18 credits this semester. Only 2 weeks left til finals for me!
  • So, count me in too!!! I'm a 2nd year senior and work midnight shifts. I have gained 40 lbs since leaving high school. I am suppose to work at a summer camp leading hiking trips and such. Well, I am a "little" out of shape to do that now but I have 10 weeks til I leave. SW/CW: 217 8 wk GW: <200 lbs Ultimate GW: 160 or less