

  • Welcome and good luck. This is a great site to help keep you on track.
  • Welcome..I just started focusing on my health again recently as wel. I was very ill with a heart condition for the last 6 months on complete bedrest. I also felt depressed and a bit like I'd been put out to pasture, but its time for me now and I'm going to get healthy! Good luck, I look forward to following your progress.
  • Fitness Pal works pretty good, if you have a smart phone try the App. It helps a lot when you are out and about. I just joined up again yesterday and I love the Android App. Good luck, keep focused!
    in New Comment by ckshowalter July 2011
  • Welcome, sounds like you are off to a great start.
  • Thanks for the encouraging words...I realy want this to happen, I need to feel healthy again, for my sake and my daughters sake!