

  • I had my first baby 3 months ago, she is amazing. However, Miss Amazing doesn't let me get a minute to myself just yet! She can be tough to put down for a nap during the day, sleeps great at night. But I want to work out during the's hard to be motivated to start working out when there are plenty of household…
  • 75lbs in 6 months!! WOW!! You are doing awesome, and you look GREAT! You have got to have some strong will power to start a healthy journey like that, good for you. You are an inspiration!
  • Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you, because I am in the same boat! My baby girl is 3 months old and it's a rare minute I have to myself. When I do manage to get her to nap (sleeps amazing at night, daytime is a work in progress) I am trying to catch up with housework. When is there time to work out? Never! I wish…