

  • Woo hoo, I started! No more procastination! It was hard but I'm glad I finally did it. Only 29 more days to go!!
  • I'll try my best!! I don't have a heart monitor though so won't get an accurate reading - what do we log this as on the Exercise database? Thanks!
  • I'll be starting this tonight. Eeek!
  • I don't really think any pizza crust is going to be healthy! Instead of going for the full-on dough, why not try a tortilla as the base? Just smooth on some tomato puree, a sprinkle of Italian mixed herbs, and a thin layer of whatever toppings you like most. Pop in the oven for 10-15 minutes and yum!
  • Despite STILL not running, I've managed to lose a pound. Hurrah! CW: 153 lbs GW: 148 lbs Weigh in Dates: 1st March: 153 8th March: 152 15th March: 22nd March: 29th March: 1st April for final weigh-in: Total weight lost: Oh, and I've got the 30DS DVD to try this weekend. Erk!
  • I haven't lost any weight (and even put a bit on!) since joining this site, so now is the time to knuckle down and get on with it. I'm in! CW: 153 lbs GW: 148 lbs Weigh in Dates: 1st March: 8th March: 15th March: 22nd March: 29th March: 1st April for final weigh-in: Total weight lost: Just for fun: What new fitness…
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