WarPonyV Member


  • Pretty much everything, though I am leaning toward cheese cake and bacon as my personal winners. But i still get those things, in moderation, so I can have the skinny AND the yummy. It is win/win.
  • You have already received EXCELLENT advice. My main go to things when i am just FAMISHED and can't think of anything but eating: I drink a big old glass of water. When i went through this process the last time i learned to knit, so now when i am feeling weak I either read a book, pick up one of my 50 knitting projects, or…
  • I went on a trip with my dad to see our family out of state. 6 or 7 people were sitting around the table checking their blood sugar talking about fishing like the fact that all of them were diabetic and had to check their sugar was the most natural thing in the world. Looking in to it i realized every single person in the…
  • Keep in mind that even if you are not currently seeing a decrease in your numbers, by eating right and exercising you are making yourself more healthy!!! That is NOT "working your *** off for nothing"!! 8 pounds in two days is not a "real" weight gain. that is water weight or bloating or something else like that, so don't…