this is STARTING to get hard...



  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Drink water, and get up and move. Boredom should be your queue to exercise, even if it's just walking around your block.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Eat back your exercise calories (if you don't already). Try to do things that keeps your hands busy or takes you away from temptation - paint your nails, deep clean the bathroom, take up knitting, go out for a walk, see how many jumping jacks you can do without collapse :laugh: If all else fails, tell yourself you can have your 'treat' in exactly one hour, chances are by that time you'll have found something else to do or it'll be time to start preparing a meal and it won't be worth eating. Hope it works for you, we all know it's hard! x
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    i feel like if i eat them back then i exercised for nothing....
    Noooo, you need to fuel your body in order to do the exercise - you wouldn't expect a car to get from A to B without any fuel, trust me :smile:
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    I have 2 things to say about "this is starting to get hard"

    1. Nothing worth doing is ever easy.

    2. Choose your hard, being overweight is hard on the mind and body also.
  • douglasbeale
    douglasbeale Posts: 66 Member
    I get a lot of inspiration reading the success stories. I keep a bottle of water with on my desk and drink down a full 8oz glass if I feel hungry, which is almost always so I drink a lot of water.

    I read the success stories just about every day, and usually end up on my exercise bike after.

    Check out my diary, I really enjoy food, I don't deny myself anything, just try like hell the have a low "net calorie" count at the end of the day.

    Eat more if you want, just exercise.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    its starting to get hard and its only my second day! i am wanting to eat just because im bored but then i start to actually think im hungry what can i do?!
    I was the same way girl but WE CAN DO THIS!! its actually real exciting for me to log my food because its almost like competitive for me like i have to stay under my calorie limit and if i find my limit running low and i havent had dinner i will exercise to get a few back and have a healthy dinner but eat nothing els the rest of the night. dont get discouraged your going to look great at the end of your journey!

    You've just pretty much replied to your own post :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
  • WarPonyV
    WarPonyV Posts: 25 Member
    You have already received EXCELLENT advice. My main go to things when i am just FAMISHED and can't think of anything but eating:

    I drink a big old glass of water.

    When i went through this process the last time i learned to knit, so now when i am feeling weak I either read a book, pick up one of my 50 knitting projects, or do some other kind of craft (I have since learned to crochet, Inkle weave, and do a bunch of other crafty things, plus I LOVE to read, so a lot of things to keep my hands and mind busy).

    I keep baby carrots and pickles in my house because I like veggies and spicy things. When i just really REALLY need to stuff myself i allow myself to have as much of those as I want. They are low calorie and are something I can't just sit down and eat 3000 calories of at a sitting. So they are fairly safe to have as my "no limit" food. Some times i really AM hungry and not just bored or thirsty and at those times the pickles or carrots really help.

    I don't always eat back my exercise calories but I usually do. It's my reward for working out. lol. Seriously, though, like others have said MFP already has a deficit figured in, when you use your body it need fuel, so don't be afraid to give it extra fuel on days when you use it more.
  • chica6578
    chica6578 Posts: 76 Member
    its starting to get hard and its only my second day! i am wanting to eat just because im bored but then i start to actually think im hungry what can i do?!
    those are actually GREAT tips!! i think i will pick up a book :) . and i am awake real late because my newborn son is awake around this time so iv adjusted to his schedule :/

    i struggled with just that for the past two years, but i didnt try to do anything about it until October. i actually took some soul time looking into me. try to understand why i was eating. i blogged for almost two months straight about my own personal feelings. lots of google search as to "why cant i" or "am i afraid to lose weight" or anything i may have felt. finally finally finally i actually started. ive been trying to implement small changes for a long while now. like getting used to exercise. i was doing the insanity off and on, but i finally admitted those were too hard and i never stuck to them or a good eating diet so thats why i never saw results. I let a friend bowrrow them and now im doing leslie sansone walking videos or fitness blender channel workouts on You Tube lol. something easy (which actually turn out to be kind of hard because im so out of shape) lol

    pick up lots of books, ive been "researching" for about 6 months how to eat correctly. since you have a newborn are you going to be breastfeeding? if you dont eat enough calories you will not produce sufficient meals for your son. If you decided against it. then nothing to worry about.

    good luck!!! :)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Don't know if you're a coffee drinker...but if I'm in between a snack/meal time. I'll make a cup of coffee. It usually tides me over and is low cal....if you dont dump sugar/creamer in it. :-)
  • Make sure you are getting enough protein, that fills me up so I don't need to over eat :flowerforyou:
  • PalmBayPam
    PalmBayPam Posts: 4 Member
    If your really not hungry and you're bored get moving. Turn on some good music, do some chores go for a short walk, than you'll feel like you accomplished something as well as met your challenge.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    that's the way I was in the beginning too, trust me it will get better, after 2 weeks it was already so much better for my, you will look at it from a different perspective I promise, just stick to it
  • Thanks! i love reading your guys comments! it keeps me motivated and i really appreciate that
    you all took your time to respond! :) you all truly make me feel so much better about this <3