Green tea??? Grapefruit??? Are you people for real??? Personally I want to devour an ENTIRE WHEEL of Cambozola cheese. It's been one of those days though...
Thank you for all the great insights, folks, I appreciate it!
I was home for my year of mat leave (Canadian here) and much as I greatly enjoyed the bonding time with my son, I was hopeless at getting things done around the house. I am not a well-organized person, much as I try, and keeping up with housework, etc. while taking care of my DS caused me huge amounts of stress. When the…
wow - that's epic!
My son's name is Daniel Amos (we named him after a favourite band of ours that nobody else has ever heard of!) I also liked the boy names: Benjamin, Maxwell, Sam and Dexter (this was before the show came out!) For girl names I liked: Annika (my first choice), Sophie, Danica, Lillian and Ella.
- cambozola cheese (i could easily eat a whole wedge in one sitting if i brought some home) - dill pickle chips (the baked ones and the popchips are an acceptable substitute though) - pistachios (healthy but not in the quantities i eat)
Fantastic! I'm 5'8" too and started at 278. Can't wait to be your size! Thanks for the inspiration!
Can't eat kiwi - makes my mouth swell and itch like crazy so I assume I'm allergic. Just bought one last week for my son to try - since I've never had them in the house - and it turns out he's allergic too. No kiwis for us!
If sugar is not a huge concern, the Liberte 2% lemon flavour is the very yummiest out there (imho), closely followed by the Oikos 2% honey flavour.
Thanks so much for all the great feedback so far. I do eat a lot of fruit (and vegetables) so that certainly has an impact on the sugar. However I am still eating some processed convenience foods (fruit-bottom greek yogurt and some granola bars for example) and really need to cut back on things like that. I am thinking…
I eat the same thing every day for lunch (I'm a routine freak): - Greek yogurt with honey - large Royal Gala apple - fruit/nut/granola bar - baby carrots with hummus It's not a huge amount of food, but I don't have much time to eat so it works.
cucumber slices (with a bit of sea salt) pistachios roasted pumpkin seeds... (she says while up to her elbows in pumpkin guts in preparation for the big day tomorrow!):smile:
I used to cut because I didn't have any healthy ways of dealing with intense anxiety. Counselling certainly helped, but I also got a lot of help from the book/workbook "Mind over Mood". Might want to check if your local library has it. Best of luck!
Agree with roasting. I am NOT a broccoli fan at all but I really love it roasted in the oven with olive oil and sea salt. Yummies.
For what it's worth, I've been reading some of Tosca Reno's books lately on clean eating. She maintains that a person's weight is 80% attributable to diet, 10% to exercise and 10% to genetic factors. That is just the number on the scale though, obviously a person can be thin and unfit if they don't exercise.
Really?? I see no ads except the one at the bottom... weird.
I'm not really into sandwiches either and I'm also trying to cut out frozen meals. I just take a variety of things to work, like fruit, veggies and hummus, granola bars, greek yogurt, etc. and eat what I want on a given day. If there are leftovers I'll take those sometimes, but mostly I nibble on a variety of things and it…
I've been trying to get some more healthy foods into my son's lunches and he seems to be enjoying it: - baby carrots, sliced mini cucumbers, sliced red peppers - small container of ranch dressing for dipping veggies into - some berries - usually raspberries - 2 slices of low-sodium ham coldcuts - 100% juice box - granola…
Personally, I LOVE popchips.
i like to add a wee bit of real maple syrup. :)
Anything in my healthy BMI range would be great, but I would love to be 150 again.
Cambozola cheese.... mmmmmm......
I tend to reach for either almonds or watermelon when I'm having sugar cravings.
Yep, I'm in Canada too! Thanks for all the great ideas so far!
Hope those of you near the storm are keeping safe. Thanks to skinnyjeanz for your words of wisdom! We are going away for a couple of days and my Wednesday wish is to stop worrying about school for those days and just enjoy myself!
Hi folks, Sounds like some of you are doing really well recently so congrats on that. I'm especially impressed with the dedication many of you show to getting regular exercise. That's something I aspire to. Personally I had a pretty crappy food day. I recently adjusted my macros to lower my carbs, the idea being that I…
You look AMAZING in that black suit and have nothing to feel self-conscious about!! That being said, I do want to repeat something that has already been said on this thread a couple of times and that's about Lands' End swimsuits. I really wanted to start doing Aquafit last year, but didn't have a suit that fit. My new suit…