Ahh! That's awesome. Hello, fellow Calgarian ;D
I have only been once when I was young! So I can`t say anything hehe
I suppose that can count!
:'( I love Vancouver. I visit in the summer time! It's my favorite place to be, for sure.
Peanut butter is a good fat/protein to add to your diet. Calories aren't always everything! As long as you stick with the natural peanut butter (I know Kraft and skippy are hard to resist), peanut butter is great for you!
Don't always go by calories. 110 calories from an apple is a lot better than 80 calories from a breakfast bar. It gives you your nutrients and is a natural way to keep healthy. :)
Frozen fruit like grapes or berries, watermelon, triscuits with hummus, veggies with hummus, "apple pie" (microwave a cut up apple with cinnamon sprinkled on top and granola), nuts: unsalted, greek yogurt.
Thanks everyone! :)
Ahhh- I'm scared of the bulk phase, but I suppose it has to be done, hey? Thanks! :)
Thanks! :)
No one ever likes their body shape. I'm an hourglass shape and I hate it. I wish I was pear shape! I think it's beautiful.
Sugar from fruit =/= processed sugar. Eat away.
My now ex and I had this going on for the last month of our relationship. Finally I told him to f*** off.
Mom said I "look tiny again"!
Good idea! Thanks for the advice! :)
Thanks! Yeah, maybe I'll just stick to taking my dog for walks everyday that week.
le bump~*
Wut. hahaha. I have been told I look really young, like 16-18. I'm 21 ;)
Kim Jong Un
Pilates for core and legs! :) or even some yoga.
Every body is different and reacts differently to certain diet styles/fitness styles. You need to figure out what your body needs as opposed to what it wants. Don't listen to what you should or shouldn't eat. Everything is fine as long as you have it in moderation.
Hey! :) Recently recovered. Still having my ups and downs, but definitely making a progress! I'm here for support and love. xox It's hard to get through it when it's all you knew, but you're strong.