patty43ck: A very young Anjelica Huston
Special K cracker chips is the only thing coming to mind! They have some pretty yummy flavors too :) I would also suggest dark chocolate dipped strawberries, but they might get melty.
I have definitely been a victim of this. The last place I used to work, all of my co-workers were slightly larger ladies and they would always pick on me for not eating donuts/cupcakes/the plethora of junk that got brought into work daily. It got to the point where it felt like I was being bullied for being healthy. One…
I met my man through work. We would just chit chat and then we decided to go out on a date. Fast forward a bit and now we live together and he is the love of my life. Go for it!
No.... I'M SORRY.
I too am from Las Vegas, just working to get off the last handful of pounds!
I'm in LV!! :)