KimH0304 Member


  • I sent you a friend request, hope you don't mind. I recently found myself at my heaviest weight ever. As my husband and I started talking about wanting to start a family, I panicked at where an average amount of baby weight would put me. After speaking with my doctor we put our baby plans on hold while I focus on getting…
  • I have 100 lbs to lose too. I started using MFP last summer when I was around 230 and have since gained another 30 lbs (I stopped using MFP somewhere in there). After a recent conversation with my doctor I'm more motivated than ever to lose my first 50 lbs and then continue on to lose another 50. I started using MFP again…
  • You can do it!!! :-) I'll make you a deal, when I can fit in my wet suit again, I'll give diving another try.