My Time Is Now!

Hi all,

I am 53 and topped the scale the other day at 310. I have NEVER weighed that much. Both my parents are Type II diabetics. Back in the day, I used to love to play softball, basketball, hockey. Now a break a sweat watching sports. I love scuba diving but I will be damned if I am going to buy larger gear. I was diagnosed last year as a pre-diabetic but did nothing about it. Sugars continue to rise. The time is now for me to take control of my health and avoid the mistakes my parents made. Whatever support/incentive others can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much!


  • KimH0304
    KimH0304 Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it!!! :-) I'll make you a deal, when I can fit in my wet suit again, I'll give diving another try.