

  • There is one in my weight watchers cookbook/magazine (I'm not on WW, but the recipes are yummy), but it only uses a top crust. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll post the recipe.
  • Wow! So many responses. . . thanks for the recipe site; I am going to be using that soooooo much!
  • I had this problem, talked about it in another forum, and here's what I did: You can change your targets in your profile/goals section. I upped my protein cals by 5% and lowered the carb cals by that same 5%. As long as you are not going over 30% of your calories coming from protein, you should be good. That 5% seems to…
  • I am a teacher, and I struggle to not snack while I'm grading essays. . . here are some snacks I've found that work: 1. popcorn (air popped is best, microwave if not) 2. kashi berry puff cereal, dry (crunchy snacky goodness) 3. herbal tea (it gives you the hand-to-mouth feel, without the calories) 4. special K cracker…
  • I did this, too. . . I looked around at nutrition info from places like web md and mayo clinic - then I went in and customized my goals so that I have 20% of my cals from protein instead of 15%, and 50% from carbs instead of 55%. I've been much more in line since then.
  • What is it about marriage? I put on about 100 lbs in the 8 years I've been married. Maybe it's that our spouses are so willing to accept us. . . which is great, and I wouldn't trade it, but I'd love to be slender enough that my hubby "loves me for my body"! hehehe Here's to all of us wives kicking our "hubby chubby"!
  • Hello! I'm Kerin, and I'm 32 without kids - at least none of my own; I teach seventh grade English, so I guess you could say that I deal with 120 a day! I am tired of being "the fat one." I think I hear that in everyone's post. So, (although I am also ashamed to admit it), here it goes: Week 1 - 270 lbs!
  • Good luck! And congrats on getting yourself to almost-match day! Way to go, med student!
  • Thanks, Angel! I don't have any friends on here yet . . .it looks like our goal weight amounts are similar - would you like to be motivation buddies??