They are ok in small amounts. Try to stay away from processed carbs, like chips, crackers, and pasta. The theory is if you cut carbs, your body switches from running off carbs and sugar to running off fat. In my opinion, I just try to eat smart carbs, like whole grain bread, and smart starches like a baked potato. These…
I tried it, NOT worth it. It's definitely not worth the money either. I took it for a month and lost 8 pounds, eating whatever I wanted and not exercising. But that isn't healthy. And as soon as I stopped taking it, those 8 pounds came right back. Don't waste your money on junk like I did, get into a fitness and exercise…
I would go to your doctor, that sounds like a thyroid issue. What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism? You may have no symptoms at all. Or: You may feel nervous, moody, weak, or tired. Your hands may shake, your heart may beat fast, or you may have problems…
PUSH UPS! You dont have to do a lot with weights, your body weight provides enough. My arms were the same, very flabby, and I would start losing everywhere but my arms. I started doing push ups, which builds and tones muscle, and muscle burns fat. Ie already seen a significant difference. I usually do 30 push ups every…
For me, I know it might be weird. Do you remember that commercial, where the person that ate a lot of donuts, was wearing a huge donut prop around them? And the lady that ate honey buns, had huge prop ones on her buns? Anytime I eat potato chips, ice cream, donuts, or anything that makes you fat I picture that commercial,…
Alcohol is one of my biggest diet issues. Only limit yourself to one or two drinks, and something low calorie. If you have a high tolerance that can be difficult. Also, alcohol makes you retain a lot of water weight. When I quit drinking any alcohol whatsoever for a month, I lost 10 pounds even while eating McD's. Also,…
Just so you know, bananas are only good in moderation, just like almost everything else. Bananas have a ton of more sugar than other fruits. For breakfast, I generally have a fruit and veggie smoothie. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, a peach or apple, spinach, and carrots. I know the spinach and carrots sound…
You're absolutely right. It's not about the number of your weight. I'm trying to get more lean and toned, and typically weight loss comes with that. Muscle burns more calories than fat, and muscle burns fat.
Im in!
I'm 5'11'' as well. I also was given the guideline of 1200 calories, but I think its doable for me. I eat lots of small meals throughout the day, or more like snacks. Use your calorie count wisely. Choose healthy fruits and veggies, lean proteins. Stay away from carbs! And when you exercise the counter subtracts the…
Being a vegetarian would be very difficult for me. Make sure you're getting plenty of lean protein from nuts or beans. Remember muscle burns more calories than fat. Try some strengthening exercises, not just cardio. I found that this helps me look better. I try not to look so much at the weight, but by my dress size and…
At first, I always tried to be 200 to 300 calories under my goal, but I found that even with just a couple pounds of weight loss I wasn't getting the muscle definition that I wanted, and I would feel very fatiuged. I am making a complete effort for this now, considering before I never went on the message boards. I am…