Naynee Member


  • My boyfriend works out with Jillian and I a lot. He feels like he is getting a good strength workout. We do 6 Week 6 Pack. Last Chance Workout (has men in it), and 30 Day Shred. We're about to start her new Revolution DVDs (also full of men). I would say these are manly enough, but she has others that are definitely geared…
  • I have never worn underwear when I workout. I tried once and felt like I was wearing a diaper.
  • I have done the WD. I climbed a cargo net, but there was no rappelling-you climb back down another cargo net on the other side. I can't imagine there would be any rappeling because it would take too long to get everyone rigged up. Our heat was 500 people so there would be no way.
  • I ran the Warrier Dash in Florida in January and it was harder than I expected (I do 10Ks, halfs, and sprint tris so I'm in decent shape). If you run AT ALL, you will be fine. Our course had a lot of in, knee deep mud. I don't know what can prepare you for running in knee deep mud....maybe incline running or…