

  • I increase fat with avocados, coconut oil, raw nuts, protein with red meat, and let myself have a small serving of 72% dark chocolate every day. Especially upping the good fads, help with sugar/junk cravings. This is what works for me. Also keeping moving- a body in motion stays in motion, etc.- works well for cramps and…
  • Count me in! Current weight 200 lb Height - 5' 8 Age. - 40 Location - New York, NY Happy for VDC requests!
  • And healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, raw nuts (in appropriate portions) Watch for hidden sugars and curb carbs. Bumping up protein and good fats will help you to feel sated.
  • I just tried 'paleo pancakes' this morning and they were great! Like real pancakes. 2 eggs 1 banana cinnamon to taste blend in a blender until smooth like batter (30 secs) Heat a skillet with coconut oil, olive oil or oil spray of your choice. Cook as regular pancakes- they even bubble like traditional pancakes so you know…