wulfax Member


  • I actually plan to stick with this as long as my body will let me. Within the next month I am going to get what I need for my home gym and will start lifting 3 days a week and I still plan to run the 3 days a week. I know (hope) that once I lose more weight and my body becomes accustomed to the running that it will not be…
  • Yeah I have iTunes as well, get all my music there. :smiley: What I was referring to was an app like "5k Pacer" which after you get done with C25k would help you improve your pace. I couldn't find one for Android, the Pacer is iPhone only.
  • Actually out of all the things I have talked about, I don’t think that I have ever touched on this. I listen to music. What I have done since W5D2 is edit music together to create my own song. So for instance, when I had to do W5D3 (20 minute run) I put a bunch of the songs I like into an editor, cut out the spaces between…
  • This does seem a lot like the C25k program, a bit different though. I will check it out. I am looking for my next step. I do not want to do anything more than a 5k, so I will not be moving one to longer runs. However, I do want to get a really good pace on the 5k, my eventual goal is to be less than 30 min, which would put…
  • Program: C25k Week 6 Day 3 Date: 11/16/2014 Start time: 6:54 pm Goals: • Complete run portions of program • Increase my pace • Take advantage of terrain Distance: 3.1 miles Duration: 52:20 (8th out of the 18 I have done) Ave Pace: 16:52 Change from last attempt: +02:52 Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -06:38 Change from…
  • As far as endurance goes, it has been gradual, but that is the point of this program, to slowly work your way up. As far as body shape/weight goes, well I look at myself every day so it is gradual as well. I am averaging about 2.5 lbs lost a week since I started seriously using MFP (including 11 lbs lost in 5 1/2 weeks of…
  • Thanks for the tip, I am a boxer guy myself (i know TMI) :blush: . I will go out and see if I can get a pair this weekend. If they work out will get a few more.
  • Program: C25k Week 6 Day 2 Date: 11/13/2014 Start time: 7:34 pm Goals: • Complete run portions of program • Increase my pace • Take advantage of terrain Distance: 3.1 miles Duration: 49:28 (3rd out of the 17 I have done) Ave Pace: 15:58 Change from last attempt: -03:08 Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -09:30 Change from…
  • I always take two puffs off my inhaler before I go out. The few times I forgot I regretted it. I do not know if it was psychological or truly physical, but it always seemed that my breaths came harder and my lungs felt heavy (if that makes any sense). Slowing down was a huge thing for me. I was always more of a sprinter…
  • Program: C25k Week 6 Day 1 Date: 11/11/2014 Start time: 6:55 pm Goals: • Complete run portions of program • Increase my pace Distance: 3.1 miles Duration: 52:36 (8th out of the 16 I have done) Ave Pace: 16:58 Change from last attempt: -02:39 Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -06:22 Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18:…
  • You are probably finding out, which I did, that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. You put in the work and went from sitting on the couch to walking 5 miles a day. It is my belief that in exercise, the discipline is more mental than physical. Good luck to you!
  • When I started exercising by walking on September 1st, I weighted 272 lbs. When I started the C25k program on October 7th I weighed about 259. I am 6' tall and this is about 80 lbs overweight for me. I am down to about 248 now. So with C25k I have lost 11 lbs in 5 weeks. Originally I didn't plan on running until I got to…
  • Absolutely true. In a very real way, it makes me excited for my next workout because I like the challenge of the timed run. Once I complete a day and whether I felt it was easy or hard I look at the next challenge with anticipation.
  • Good Job! One of the best things about this program is the feeling of acomplishment once you complete a day.
  • Everything everybody said on here is pretty spot on. I also walked a lot before I started the program, not as much as you though, I think I did 2-3 miles a day for a month before I started the C25k program. I am now on W6D1 (will do it on Tueday the 11th) and just got done with W5D3 which is a continues 20 mintue run. It…
  • My word of caution for this is listen to your body. My wife emulated me in this and ended up pushing herself too hard and hurt her knee (and wasn't able to exercise at all for 2 weeks). Granted, I think she tried to jog after she finished the program, I think if she would have walked she might have been fine. One thing I…
  • You are moving and you are trying, that's what is important. Injuries are a terrible thing, especially when you are exercising. Back when I was in tip-top shape I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and couldn't lift more than 5-10 lbs for over a month. It took me even longer to get back to exercising (and in a way I never…
  • Good luck to you! I will admit that every time I increased the run time I did it with trepidation. But in a way I will admit that it became me vs. C25K, and when my calves would start to burn I would just think "I can do anything for 90 seconds (3 mins, 5 mins, etc), this stupid program is not going to beat me!" I'm not…
  • Thanks for the tip, unfortunatly that app is iPhone and I am an android guy. I will look to see if they have something simular for andriod. Sounds like that is the next step for me. I have 4 weeks left on this program which should take me up through December 6th. The 5k I have signed up for is on December 20th. I would…
  • Also, I appreciate the friend requests. I opened up my diary to be public so that everyone can view it. However, I have a policy that on social media that I only “friend” those that I know IRL (in real life). Please do not take offence to this, it is nothing personal, just a policy that I adopted long ago for all social…
  • Program: C25k Week 5 Day 3 Date: 11/09/2014 Start time: 8:16 pm Goals: • Complete run portions of program • Increase my pace Distance: 3.1 miles Duration: 55:15 (13th out of the 15 I have done) Ave Pace: 17:50 Change from last attempt: +03:56 Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -03:43 Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18:…
  • Program: C25k Week 5 Day 2 Date: 11/08/2014 Start time: 5:38 pm Goals: • Complete run portions of program • Increase my pace Distance: 3.1 miles Duration: 51:19 Ave Pace: 16:33 Change from last attempt: +01:13 Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -07:47 Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18: 48:28): +02:53 First, thank…
  • Program: C25k Week 5 Day 1 Date: 11/07/2014 Start time: 7:48 am Goals: • Complete run portions of program • Increase my pace Distance: 3.1 miles Duration: 50:06 Ave Pace: 16:08 Change from last attempt: +00:06 Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -08:50 Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18: 48:28): +01:40 I took a personal…
  • Taking it easy is a good idea. My wife is heavier than I am and she pushed herself and payed for it. For about 2 weeks she was barely able to walk because it messed her knee up.
  • I have signed up for one. I am doing a jingle bell run on December 20th. When I started the C25k program it was 11 weeks out.
  • Program: C25k Week 4 Day 3 Date: 11/04/2014 Start time: 7:38 pm Goals: • Complete run portions of program • Increase my pace Distance: 3.1 miles Duration: 50:02 Ave Pace: 16:08 Change from last attempt: +01:09 Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -08:56 Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18: 48:28): +01:34 This was one of…
  • This is a bit why I am doing this. When I started looking around for people who were as unfit as I am and just started running, everything was so far beyond what I could do. They would talk about running 10-15 mintues or more. I could barely do one minute when I first started. My hope is that when someone goes to look for…
  • Thanks! I appreciate the feedback and encouragement.
  • Program: C25k Week 4 Day 2 Date: 11/02/2014 Start time: 6:39 pm Goals: • Complete run portions of program • Increase my pace Distance: 3.1 miles Duration: 48:53 Ave Pace: 15:46 Change from last attempt: -01:16 Change from Week 1, Day 1 (58:58): -10:05 Change from Fastest Time, (Week 2 Day 3: 48:28): +00:25 I know some of…