Beginning runner using C25k



  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    Really motivating to read your updates! Keep going and good luck!
  • MattNorrisUL
    MattNorrisUL Posts: 100 Member
    Great job man. You are where I was a few years ago. You can do it!
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    ashoona wrote: »
    Really motivating to read your updates! Keep going and good luck!

    Thanks! I appreciate the feedback and encouragement.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I love following your progress - you're doing great, way to push through the desire to quit and way to keep your focus where you said you wanted to - on the runs and not the speed.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    edited November 2014
    BaltarVK wrote: »
    Great job man. You are where I was a few years ago. You can do it!

    This is a bit why I am doing this. When I started looking around for people who were as unfit as I am and just started running, everything was so far beyond what I could do. They would talk about running 10-15 mintues or more. I could barely do one minute when I first started.

    My hope is that when someone goes to look for beginning runners this post pops up and they can see how terrible I was/am but that if you stick with it, it can get better. I am only on Week 4, but I have hope that I will finish this program.
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Whooooppppp!!!! You are awesome!!! I just completed the programme ( I used get running) about a week ago. I can now run for 30 mins straight and get to about 4.6km. When I started I couldn't run for 20 seconds!!! It works I promise. I'm now doing 8 k training. You can so do it. One caveat... When you get good don't try to improve your speed too quickly. I did this last week and am now going to slow down again as I have a slight pain in my right shin and wahhhhhh I don't want the shin splints as I've had no injuries at all by going slow. That's my advice! Stay slow till your body knows your a runner!! I think you are awesome! Well done :-)
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    edited November 2014
    Program: C25k Week 4 Day 3
    Date: 11/04/2014
    Start time: 7:38 pm

    • Complete run portions of program
    • Increase my pace

    Distance: 3.1 miles
    Duration: 50:02
    Ave Pace: 16:08
    Change from last attempt: +01:09
    Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -08:56
    Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18: 48:28): +01:34

    This was one of those times that I wished I was running on a treadmill and not outside! It wasn’t that cold, but the wind was blowing and it seemed I was running directly into it for most of the run. At one point I was running uphill and into the wind!

    On this day, I honestly thought that I had done better than I actually did (as far as time and pace are concerned). I may have exerted myself more because of the wind and that is the reason I felt I did better. Either way, I am reasonably content with this day. I had hoped to keep it below the 50-minute mark, but oh well.

    I am on to week 5 now! I have looked ahead and this is the first week where every day does not have the same run. On day 1 it is three 5-mintue runs for a total of 15 minutes. Day 2 is two 8-minute runs for a total of 16 minutes. Day 3 is a solid 20-minute run! To be honest I do not know if I am going to keep this order. W6D1 is 5-minute run, 8-minute run, then another 5-minute run. W6D2 is two 10-mintute runs. Those seem as if they should come before the 20-minute run on W5D3.

    For those of you that completed the program, did you do it in order? I am seriously thinking about going from W5D2 to W6D1, then W6D2, then going back to W5D3. I don’t know if I am just afraid of failing here (so far I have been able to complete all the run portions and even though I am VERY slow, I take a bit of pride in this) and this is the reason I am hesitating. This program has been around for a bit and if the sequence were off, I would think it would have been fixed by now. Any advice on this would be appreciated.

    Goal Achievement:

    • Complete run portions of program
    o This is probably a sense of pride for me. Thus far, I have completed all the run portions. Not at a great pace, but I have done it. As a comparison, for last year’s results in the 5k I am going to do in December, I would have finished in 690th place overall (out of 810), 290th for Males (out of 322), and 119th for my age group (out of 147). Not even in the top 50% for any of them and by the time December 20th rolls around I may still not be, but I plan to RUN the entire 3.1 miles, even if it is at a 16/min pace.

    • Increase my pace
    o This one is progressing. My warm-ups are getting better and I do feel that every time I go out I am getting better. I know that eventually I will speed up, even if it is not progressing as fast as I would like. My goal is not to injure myself on this, so sometimes it takes some self-control to moderate myself.
  • MattNorrisUL
    MattNorrisUL Posts: 100 Member
    wulfax wrote: »
    Program: C25k Week 4 Day 3

    For those of you that completed the program, did you do it in order? I am seriously thinking about going from W5D2 to W6D1, then W6D2, then going back to W5D3. I don’t know if I am just afraid of failing here (so far I have been able to complete all the run portions and even though I am VERY slow, I take a bit of pride in this) and this is the reason I am hesitating. This program has been around for a bit and if the sequence were off, I would think it would have been fixed by now. Any advice on this would be appreciated.

    I definitely followed the schedule. If you have problems with W5D3, you can always repeated it or go back then. That's understandable but I'd attempt to do it how it's laid out.

  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Wulfax...thanks for sharing your progress its cool to see your progression.
    Have you signed up for a race yet? it be a good way to cap your success when you complete the program!!
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    edited November 2014
    BaltarVK wrote: »
    wulfax wrote: »
    Program: C25k Week 4 Day 3 I definitely followed the schedule. If you have problems with W5D3, you can always repeated it or go back then. That's understandable but I'd attempt to do it how it's laid out.

    Thanks for the advice. I think i will give it an attempt, who knows, maybe I am stronger than i think.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Wulfax...thanks for sharing your progress its cool to see your progression.
    Have you signed up for a race yet? it be a good way to cap your success when you complete the program!!

    I have signed up for one. I am doing a jingle bell run on December 20th. When I started the C25k program it was 11 weeks out.
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for posting your progress. You wrote about hoping someone who was just starting running would see your posts and following it... that would be me! I am signing up for a Jingle Bell run on December 24th. I am more overweight than you are so I am probably going to try to stay at around weeks 1-3 for many months to protect joints. I've completed 3 days of training so far and am handling it well... the main problem being that my muscles have been built up a lot from walking 35+ miles per week so I can physically do the running even though its a really bad idea to push it for a while yet.

    I will be excited to keep watching you prep for your 5k- so awesome!
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for posting your progress. You wrote about hoping someone who was just starting running would see your posts and following it... that would be me! I am signing up for a Jingle Bell run on December 24th. I am more overweight than you are so I am probably going to try to stay at around weeks 1-3 for many months to protect joints. I've completed 3 days of training so far and am handling it well... the main problem being that my muscles have been built up a lot from walking 35+ miles per week so I can physically do the running even though its a really bad idea to push it for a while yet.

    I will be excited to keep watching you prep for your 5k- so awesome!

    Taking it easy is a good idea. My wife is heavier than I am and she pushed herself and payed for it. For about 2 weeks she was barely able to walk because it messed her knee up.

  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    Your posts are truly inspirational. I just started a fitness program this past week and it's good to see others acknowledge that you gotta start somewhere, and that even a little bit of progress is better than remaining stagnant and doing nothing.

    Keep it up! :>
  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    edited November 2014
    wulfax wrote: »
    Program: C25k Week 4 Day 3
    Date: 11/04/2014
    Start time: 7:38 pm

    I am on to week 5 now! I have looked ahead and this is the first week where every day does not have the same run. On day 1 it is three 5-mintue runs for a total of 15 minutes. Day 2 is two 8-minute runs for a total of 16 minutes. Day 3 is a solid 20-minute run! To be honest I do not know if I am going to keep this order. W6D1 is 5-minute run, 8-minute run, then another 5-minute run. W6D2 is two 10-mintute runs. Those seem as if they should come before the 20-minute run on W5D3.

    I love your posts and I am going to follow this tread until I see you reach 'graduation day'. :)

    I successfully finished C2K5 a few months back and I swear by this program to everyone! Just keep at it. I lost weight doing this program but more importantly I gained so much mental strength. Your body is capable of so much more than your mind thinks it is. Making it through each workout gave me a huge sense of accomplishment and boosted my self esteem.

    I think it's best to stay true to the order of the program.

    I also personally felt that W5D3 was out of whack... really... 20 whole minutes of running in a row?!? But you can do it!! I think it's like a halfway point 'test'. It is the 1st major mental challenge. Because honestly with all the extra walking you are doing after the normal routine you are physically there to complete this.

    Stay strong and focus on something motivational. I sometimes picture myself as a super hero when I run or maybe something adventurous like I am out in the woods escaping a bear or mountain lion. :p
  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    I made a post a few months back when I graduated.

    Here is the part with just my own personal tips from my own journey. I am sure things are different for everyone but I am just excited for you and wanted to share.

    My Own Personal Tips (just from my own experience) –
    • Don’t listen to the voice inside your head that says you can’t do it.
    • Before each workout think about why you are running – when you start to feel weak focus on that. (mine was my family)
    • Take long, deep breaths as much as you can. When you start take short, shallow breaths you get side cramps.
    • Have a good pair of ‘real’ running shoes (and good socks to prevent blisters).
    • If you are a girl (especially large chested) invest in a good sports bra. A brand called ‘Moving Comfort’ was suggested to me and they are nice.
    • Music helps out, get a good playlist or a give ‘Rock my Run’ a try (I did the free version which was cool so I upgraded)
    • Get ‘Map my Run’ on your phone. It was great to look back at my routes and times. (again there is a free version to try first)
    • Don’t eat much an hour or two before you run (that might just be me though).
    • Sign up for a ‘real’ 5K race for a couple of weeks or so after you should finish the program. It will motivate you to keep training.
    • Stick to the program – don’t try to do more to get through it faster. I alternated every other day and only ran the amounts instructed.
    • Take time to stretch after your workout. Dull aches/pains are ok and usually go away with stretching and a day of rest. Sharp pains might be a real injury.
    • Lastly – Don’t listen to the voice inside of your head that says you can’t keep running. (this is so important I listed it first and last!!)

  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Follow the order ... You do think wahhhh omg 20 mins but crazily you can do it. It's all in the mind. :-))))
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Your doing really well!!!! I'm on W8D2.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Program: C25k Week 5 Day 1
    Date: 11/07/2014
    Start time: 7:48 am

    • Complete run portions of program
    • Increase my pace

    Distance: 3.1 miles
    Duration: 50:06
    Ave Pace: 16:08
    Change from last attempt: +00:06
    Change from W1D1 (Oct 7, 58:58): -08:50
    Change from fastest time (W2D3, Oct 18: 48:28): +01:40

    I took a personal day from work and for a change I actually ran during daylight hours. It was an interesting experience actually seeing where I was going.

    Overall it wasn’t too bad. It was 3 5-minute runs and I think I did ok. I am still trying to refine my warm-up procedures as the last 5-minute portion was easier than the first.

    Excited to move forward with the program!

    Goal Achievement:

    • Complete run portions of program
    o Completed all the run portions, but like I said above the last portion was easier than the first, need to work on my warm-up.

    • Increase my pace
    o This one is perplexing to me sometimes. I feel like I am going faster, but it isn’t reflected in overall time increases. I am not overly worried though, I know speed will eventually come once my endurance increases.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I love your posts! I have done C25K. Twice. The first time, I was 234 lbs, so I know it is definitely do-able when you are overweight.

    Your goals are fantastic. I had done similar. I added another shortly after starting when I realized I was running w a grimace on my face. When I made a conscious effort to wipe that look of pain off my face, it really helped. And I remember well that realization when I was running 3 minutes IN A ROW lol.

    I also made my workout the full 3.1 miles each day, adding a good walk when the "official" workout was over. It's a good measurement of progress. Just don't be afraid to repeat days (or weeks) as necessary. Not everyone can move forward at the same rate.

    Friend rec coming your way!