Hey ladies! I'm getting married June 13th, 2015. I've struggled the last 2-3 years and put back on 50lbs of my previous 65lb weight loss :( I was so excited that my fiance proposed and I'm beyond extatic to spend the rest of my life with him. He as been with me through my weight loss and my more recent gain so I know he…
SW: 220 Last week: 198.8 CW: 196.8 :)
SW: 220 Last week: 200.0 CW: 198.8
I sure hope so! I've been there once this year and bounced back :(
Thanks! Its all of you that keep me motivated and accountable :) I may not know any of you personally but seeing others that continue to have results makes me work harder so I don't let you guys down. I can't wait until we all start achieving out ultimate goals!
Sorry, I'm a day late.. SW: 220 Last week: 201.8 CW: 200.4
At 204.6 for the third week in a row. Not too surprised since I haven't been eating as well or working out as much the last couple weeks. I'm starting today and refocusing again! Eating right and working out so that March will be a better month than February :)
My favorite exercise is kettle bells. Its a great cardio and strength workout in one. I also have been trying to run more lately, I have noticed that I tend to push myself more when I'm on a treadmill next to someone I know lol I suppose its the competitive side of me :)
I was so busy shoveling snow this morning that I didn't get a chance to post. I did, however weigh myself first thing. SW: 220 Last week: 204.6 CW: 204.6 After my weekend full of college roommate reunions and multiple baby showers I had put on almost 2.5 lbs over our last weigh in. Some how, some way I managed to break…
Welcome! Great job on your progress!
I'm up for a 5k! I ran one years ago and have barely ran since. Its a good time to get back into it :)
Thanks April! Being up that early was not by choice or to get an early workout. I've been on extra long hours while we have a woman gone on maternity leave :( makes it hard to both get my workout in and cook healthy meals in the same day, I was surprised at how much I lost this week :) You did awesome, keep it up!
I was doing kettlebells at least twice a week and absolutely love it! I even competed in an IKFF meet in 2010 :) Unfortunately, I have injured my shoulder playing softball recently so I'm struggling to get my strength training into my workouts. I'm really hoping when I see the doctor this week she gives me the okay to get…
SW: 220 Last week: 213.4 CW: 210.0
I feel like I had a great week this week! I got in the gym or did an at home workout for at least 30 mins every night :) I stayed below my calorie goals too. Its been a big help that my boyfriend has been really supportive and encouraging, I have even been rubbing off on him a bit :) I continue to read all of the posts…
I would suggest contacting any individuals that have missed two or three weeks in a row just to see how they are doing and get them back into the swing of things. Hopefully there won't be anyone that gives up but it might encourage everyone to stay on track if they know someone will notice if they disappear from the group.…