trfoxcpa Member


  • Hi! I've only been doing Insanity for about a week and a half (started 12/31/2012) and I'll be honest, each morning for about 40 minutes I ask myself over and over ... "What the heck was I thinking?!?". I went from pushing a pencil to trying to keep up with these guys? I'm NUTS!! Each day I just want to quick and go back…
  • I wanted to get a slight jump start on the new year and started 12/31/12 .. which was a Monday. So I'm about a week and a half into the program and each morning I've been asking myself (for about the full 40 min) "What the heck was I thinking?!?" To go from a pencile pushing CPA to trying to keep up with these folks. The…
  • I got a jump start on "the new year" and started 12/31 ... so I'm about a week and a half into the program. Each morning I ask myself "What was I thinking?!?" yet I push through and get it done. Can't see how this will ever be easy. Thinking the bi-weekly fitness test will be motivating when you start to see the numbers…