anthophora Member


  • I have a Fitbit Charge 3 and will not be getting another one. In particular, I found the mileage to be really off for my bike rides and runs. The Fitbit was indicating that I went further and thus faster than I really had. Further, this was not consistent so that sometimes it was 10% off and others 15%. I checked against…
  • Gay, 45 and trying get back into fitness. I love being athletic and active (bike, ski, hike run). Goal is to enjoy all of this. Losing 30 lbs would be great. Trying run but also add some muscle. Feel free to add me
    in Hello Comment by anthophora January 2019
  • Dan Age: 45 Highest weight: 230 Lowest weight: 8 lbs 9oz Current weight: 225 Goal weight: under 200 Love being active and would love to lose weight to feel better and enjoy biking, cross country skiing, hiking, etc. Work stress and busy-ness is honestly biggest problem for me.
  • Gay 45 year old guy here. Trying to get back into shape and lose a few pounds. Coming out later in life. Looking for support and to support others!
  • I am in this situation. It is really tough and I wish I would have realized I was gay much earlier.
  • Great to see so many guys on always feel free to add me!
  • I used to count calories but have stopped. There are a number of reasons. One of which was an interesting paper came out a few months back. The authors found that TEE plateaued relatively quickly with exercise. There was an inverse relationship between TEE and activity intensity. In other words, once the subjects burned…
  • About 20lbs down with 10-15 more to go. It has been a slow process!! Hope it sticks
  • I agree although, this discussion is, in my opinion, much too focused on BL contestants when the reality is most people don't keep the weight off. Nobody really knows what works best in the long term. I have high hopes that lower carb/IF will be beneficial. The point about too much focus on the scale is spot on. People…
  • This is exactly it! We can make all sorts of assumptions as to why the vast majority (~80%) of people cannot keep the weight off (they don't lift, they don't do LCHF, they do too much cardio, they are lazy, insert any diet guru's advice here, etc. etc. etc.). However, we don't know much it is still a shot in the…
  • I agree that was a tough blog post to read through. He notes that bariatric surgery is the 'bigger badass brother of IF". I saw no logic in this at all and he doesn't provide any. Also, I was annoyed when he wrote: "So why did all those Biggest Loser contestants gain all their weight back after 6 months?" (emphasis mine).…
  • I guess we will have to disagree on this one. The evidence is overwhelming that the vast majority of people (about 80%) regain nearly all of the weight they have lost. That is a fact. I am not sure where her facts were wrong. Maybe she excluded some stuff you wanted and I would love to see what research has been done on…
  • I completely agree that as individuals we need to push through for our health and fitness!!!! I am glad this is coming out however. Kolata isn't pushing a way to lose weight but is simply reporting what really is the evidence. This what I appreciate about science journalists. People always have this notion that those that…
  • A lot of numbers to sift through and think about. Seems to me to be a fairly big loss in BF% (~40% loss at 30 weeks). BW weight loss was also ~40%. Edited...just saw the FM vs FFM comparison. It looks like they didn't lose all that much fat-free mass at 30 weeks (Confidence intervals overlap although there isn't much power…
  • It seems like the BL competitors did better than most. From the paper: 57% of the BL competitors maintained at least a 10% weight loss after 6 years. While according the the National Weight Control Registry ~20% of dieters maintained at least a 10% weight loss. Yes - these are a bit of an apples and oranges comparison but…
  • Agree. I do hope researchers and nutritionists see this as a major major issue in weight loss programs. In fact, I think it may be the biggest. We need better tools and strategies for this if we want to deal with the obesity epidemic.
  • Again, what is so interesting to me is that NONE of the contestants were back at their basal RMR after 6 years. That is astonishing. Also, Fig 5C is a bit scary. Sure but we have no idea as to which subjects these were and the degree of weight loss (at least I didn't see it in the paper). It would have been nice if they…
  • It could be making excuses but this issue of weight regain is what happens to most everyone who does any diet program. The paper below that highlights the National Weight Control Registry finds that only ~20% of subjects maintain a 10% weight loss after 5 years. Keeping weight off is more than simple will power. Wing and…
  • Agree. However, it doesn't seem as if Biggest Loser is any worse for weight regain than other diet programs. Will be good to see whether low carb diets help maintain weight loss as I don't think LCHF has been tested in this context.
  • I will have to think about this more. I think it is likely that factors other than RMR are involved. However, I didn't see where in the paper 5 people had an increase in RMR (although I didn't read the paper all that closely). Figure 4 shows that RMR increased for 5 subjects from 30 weeks to 6 years but all were below…
  • Also, the final few paragraphs of the research article featured in the NYT are interesting. They note that while there was a lot of weight regained in the Biggest Loser contestants. They still did better than subjects in most other weight loss programs. They even cite a study that found faster initial weight loss led to…
  • I read this article too. It is getting a lot of press as it about the Biggest Loser. However, it was a really small sample size. Nonetheless, this has been shown quite a bit in previous studies - not to mention that maintaining weight loss has a really really low success rate. I have also seen people noting that reduction…
  • 42 year-old gay guy here. Love lifting, running and keeping in shape. Would like to lose 15 lbs. Using low carb and IF to reach some of these goals.
  • Always looking for fellow lgbt folks! Gay guy here!
  • I love lifting and have been doing the 5x5 program for almost a year. I have struggled a bit with lifting but I think that is mainly due to cutting back on calories. I would like to lose fat and maintain the strength gains I have seen in the past year. Once I lose 15 lbs or so, I will start trying to bulk a bit and add…
  • Thanks for the response. This makes sense. I have read that cortisol is released during exercise and that it can counteract insulin (as well as stimulate gluconeogenisis and glycologenesis). Sunny_Bunny's point about cortisol above was really interesting. Thanks again...I am too worried but in my ignorance, I had predicted…
  • Feel free to add me!
  • I would love more information on this as well. I am new to the low carb thing. I had an interesting experience today. For the past few weeks, I have been very low carb (20 or less, except one day). Yesterday, I fasted and had 550 total calories and 2 grams of carbs. This morning, I woke early and went for a really intense…
  • Add me! Always looking for gay/bi guys to connect with and support!
    in Yay Comment by anthophora April 2016
  • Lift every other day (compound lifts squat, bench, deadlift, military press, rows, pull-ups, and dips). On lift days I also run as fast as possible for about 1.5 miles (~7:15 min/miles). Non lifting days are a 4 mile run (~8:15 min/mile). Rest day every 6-7th day. Will start mountain biking once the trails are ok to ride.