
  • The more variety the better. I have NEVER been a runner so I started running. I swim when I have access to a pool, I bike, walk, hike, push ups, ski, walk stairs, circuit train, etc. Just vary your workout or you will get bored and so will your muscles. It does not mean you won't be or get into shape, it just means your…
  • It is my uneducated but common sense opinion that anyone who is very out of shape and overweight (that was me) should lose a great deal of weight first prior to doing anything much more than walking or hiking, light bike riding, elliptical, etc. When You first get used to eating less and ever exercising more-even lightly…
  • I agree with the comments that you can help the hunger by having smaller meals throughout the day. Add in no sugar tea, more water than the rda and exercise NEEDS to be in there. I will exercise more if I want to eat more or have a drink that day. Walk to the bar and back and learn to have one drink or wait until you have…