ReneeBackSewell Member


  • Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you, he will never leave or forsake you {NO MATTER YOUR WEIGHT}. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged! {ADDED BY ME}!
  • Got a level one workout in on M, W, and today for this week! Next week my goal is M,T, Th, and F! Keep up the hard work guys! Going to do my measurements to see if any inches were shrunk this week!
  • I read day 3 of the 60 day devotional today and it really spoke to me. Am I walking in obedience or looking to the results of the scale for my happiness?
  • Monday will be my day one, level one, of 30 day shred. I don't do videos while my house is filled with kids and husband :) I remember laughing when I saw my mom doing a home work out video and I know Karma ..... so when the house is empty Monday morning I will pop it in! Best of results everyone!
  • I just found that on Slacker Radio (which I have on my phone) has work out selections and even some Beats Per Minute info. I found it helpful for my walk but was missing my "old school jams" that remind me of my high school days :)
  • My name is Renee. I am 35 and I have been married for 17 years! My kids range in ages from 15-11. My husband joined the Army in 2005 after 4 years of talking me into it. Currently we are at Fort Benning, GA and he is a Drill Sergeant. I know the healthy sexy woman in me is ready to make an appearance's been a…
  • I'm 35 and I'm realizing that I've spent so many years overweight and just not dealing with it! The real me who is stuck inside this oversized body is ready to get out and show her sexy self :) My soldier is hot and deserves that hot chick he married to come back to him!