latinlil Member


  • Hullooo!! I’m a dog, travel, adventure and sports-loving 53 y.o. Who’s had a recent break-up with dieting. My ultimate goal is 145 lbs, I was at 269 as of 1/1/2021. 7 mos. later and I’m now at 240, but I think I need a success pal to help me get to the next milestone. I’d love a 1:1 accountabilibuddy to keep me honest and…
  • @jayenguk - did you want a 1:1 buddy for accountability?I have 100+ to lose and would love a success partner for motivation!
  • I’m in! 53 y.o. Former athlete now gone to seed CW: 241 August GW: 230 UGW: 144 Knees shot with arthritis. That was a bummer of a Dx. Trying the ITIS diet created by Arthritis Foundation. Very similar to Mediterranean with some interesting differences such as no protein with carbs, etc. Tools: MFP (looking for an…
  • I can't help but chime in just to say that if you talk with her pediatrician, try to do it out of earshot of her. My friends' kids are big eaters and their BMI tested high so she had legitimate concerns, and one of her pediatricians was very positive, but also didn't label the kids in front of them. Her second pediatrician…
  • Okay, I HOPE I'm the Wife and Mother, though probably the Sisyphus, and quite possibly *gasp* the Junkie.
  • I'm in! I've chipped off 10 lbs so far from my 100 lb weight loss goal. We can all do it!
  • Are you overwhelmed with replies? I was encouraged by your shout-out. That's such a positive way to start your journey. I have to say though, in your pic you don't look like you have anywhere CLOSE to that amount of weight to lose! I started a weight-loss challenge at my local Y, for the third time, but this time with my…