redbreva Member


  • I cycle a fair amount, and use a Garmin trip computer with Chest HR monitor, Peddle cadence sensor etc. and it feeds via Strava into MFP... From some articles I have read on cycling site, Garmin itself Over estimates Calories by about 15%, but Strava is pretty accurate (It uses the 'Big Data' approach, so can use the data…
  • Cheers guys... That's what I thought, I just had one of those Hmmmm? Moments
  • Pretty much what most of the above posters have said - ABSOLUTE minimum NET of 1200 I was losing steady 1KG every 10 days, up to the point where I felt able to exercise more. My GROSS stayed at 1200 / 1250, but I was burning 200/300 calories per day with some steady cardio - Weight loss completely stopped! Realised what…
  • I started on 7th January, so currently on 6.5 months, and have lost 23kg, was 98, now 75 My initial target was 75, so now more in a 'holding' pattern, but finding it difficult some days to use my full allowance, Absolute lower limit is 73KG... If I get that low, I may have to start having Full Fat latte again :-(
  • in that case you should eat 1890. It was a mistake I was making for a while and was just not losing any weight! Now I 'Back Eat' I have been losing steadily again. The way it was explained to me is if you go too low with your intake, your body goes into some type of 'starvation mode' so just stores everything it can,…
  • Daylightwar by Peter V Brett, (Follows 'The Warded Man' and 'Desert Spear'), or if you like large 'Space Opera' type of Sci-Fi the works of Peter F Hamilton