Cardio Exercise - Calories Burned

Although I have been using this site for many months, a question has just occurred to me...

If I add a Cardio Exercise (the same would apply to Strength training, but I don't use that one) - say 60 minutes very brisk walking (4mph) I am told that is 336 calories, but If I had just say still for that 60 minutes I would have used approx. 100 calories (2500/24), so is the figure quoted a NETT GAIN of 336 calories, or is it actually only 226?

I know it's not mega critical - just curious now I have asked myself!!!


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    First if you take MFP exercise at 336 calories for that burn is going to be overestimated.

    Hypothetically for the sake of your question, you netted 336 calories for that one hour only.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    First if you take MFP exercise at 336 calories for that burn is going to be overestimated.

    For slow walking that's probably reasonable, the article of faith that MFP overestimates doesn't hold true for many activities.

    Notwithstanding that, my understanding is that MFP estimates are net calorie expenditure, rather than gross. BMR is accounted for already.

  • redbreva
    redbreva Posts: 8 Member
    Cheers guys... That's what I thought, I just had one of those Hmmmm? Moments