

  • Um. Wow. This is really upsetting. I recently decided to man up and get myself a gym membership, and people actually....get annoy with each other? I feel so self concious now. And the worst thing is, I've been doing what you guys have been complaining. When I'm on the elliptical, I hold onto the bars. I glance at the…
  • *Instant stalk* Yes. You are spot on. I reward you with delicious avocado :3 Lift heavy eh? Haha I could barely do anything with a 10 pounds yesterday ;__; I'll be consistent and say the pain is only a sign of progress, but sometimes I was wanna just call it a day. But I'll keep to it!
  • Wow, thanks so much everyone! I'm really happy with the quick and positive response I'm getting. Even if there isnt much difference to some (Or any?) Your response really helps. And you're all already helping me go the right path. It's so hard doing what I think is right and have others who are not on-board with changing…
  • Uggghhh this is amazinnng! I recently bought a mint colored skirt similar to yours from Forever21 one. Can't say it looks good on my body though...I hope I can wear it comfortably by the time summer comes! I wish I can be addicted to MFP :( It's still such a chore to me to log in what I ate/drank everyday. Especially when…
  • Holy crap o__o You...look really good. Thanks for sharing!! People who are struggling with P90X/Insanity realllly needs this!
  • Bwahaha. I've seen too many of these "Spot Reduction" products in my Asian markets.. Seriously though, if you use them, they do appear to "work", but then the results will ALWAYS go away. Unless, of course, if you plan on playing with those Thigh/Chin/Neckline Slimming Products for the rest of your life, then yes, the…