Mayra_121 Member


  • Have you adjusted your calorie intake since your initial 30lbs loss? Maybe you need to take a peek at that or set the expectation that your weight loss will slow down the more you lose. ^^^ This ---- After losing 30 lbs your body might be ready to adjust your food intake. Are you keeping an eye on your sodium and water…
  • I think it all depends on what works best for you to stay honest. If you are the kind of person that believes that having an open diary can keep you accountable then go for it. But if having it open means you won't be logging accurately in order to not be judged by others, then closed is the way to go. Although my diary…
  • hello everyone!! I started my journey again in December 2016 and have made it my goal to take 2017 by storm!! I have lost 30lbs but I still have 50-60lbs to go. Would love to have more friends to keep me motivated (as well as motivate others).
  • I am also starting again after gaining 60 lbs in the last two years. My goal is to lose around 85 lbs in the next 13 months so I am planning on taking this one day at a time =) Feel free to add me, I am always looking for supportive friends that I can also encourage in this journey.
  • I am 5'3 and my starting weight is 215. My goal is to lose 85 lbs so I have quite a journey ahead. Feel free to add me =)
  • Hello! I have about 80-85 lbs to lose and am also looking for some new friends to motivate each other. Feel free to add me =)
  • Feel free to add me. I also just started again after gaining 60 lbs in two years. Here's to sticking with it this time around =)
  • Hi! Feel free to add me. I just started over again about 2 weeks ago and am looking for some MFP friends to share my journey with =)
  • I saw your title and I knew I had to open your thread. I turn 29 next month and am really forward to do everything I can to get back on track in order to look my best when I hit the 3-0. Feel free to add me
  • I have 85lbs to lose and am looking for some more mfp friends. Feel free to add me =)
  • I agree with everyone so far. I really think that weekly weigh in's are a must and weekly challenges. Maybe everyone could post their own weekly goal, it could be to either lose 1 lb or drink more water, log food everyday exercise more time... even if it is something small that pushes everyone in the right track again. I…
  • Hey everyone! My name is Yomaira I'm 26 years old, 5'3" and CW 188. This has been the weight that I had carried for the longest time and in 2013 I went down to 150 which was awesome. I felt great but still wanted to lose another 30 lbs to reach my UGW and be in a healthy BMI. I maintained the weight I has lost for about 6…
  • Hey Pink Team: I'm sorry I did not write earlier, but long weekends tend to be very hectic. Well just a little bit about me... I am 26 yrs old 5'3" from Puerto Rico. To answer the questions: 1. Where do you see yourself one year from now? My fiance and I move a lot due to his job so as far as where (in the literal sense) I…
  • Hi Pink Team: Week 2 is almost over!! I for one am proud of myself for being able to get back on track with my workouts. My experience has been that if I slack off on exercising then I just find it harder to eat healthier, stupid I know but oh well... I am looking forward to achieve my goal at the end of this challenge and…
  • Hey Pink Team! First of all great job to everyone on our 1st week of the challenge. =) My goals for week 2: -Complete week 3 of C25K -Continue doing yoga at least 2x this week and walk 2x as well -Continue logging everyday -Stay within my calorie goals 6 out of 7 days (Have 1 cheat day) -Drink 6 cups of water daily -Keep…
  • Hey ya'll, TGIF!! I was thinking that we can share our mini (weekly) goals here. For week #1 my goals will be: *Log everyday *Complete my second week of my C25K workouts (3 days) *Add two other workouts-probably some yoga *Drink at LEAST 6 glasses of water (which is something I've always struggled with =/ ) *Make better…
  • Hi Pink Team, My name is Yomaira and I am 26. I had joined the New Year challenge and even though I started it off pretty well the last month I wasn't as focused. But when you fall off the horse you just get up and try again. I am excited to get through these next 12 weeks and do the very best I know I can do. I definitely…
  • Well I have to admit that this week didn't go through as planned. On wednesday afternoon (day 2) I felt just horrible. The cold that I had got the best of me... I even had to leave early from work because I had a massive headache, I was sore all over, a fever ...and the list goes on. And the worst part was that I just felt…
  • Hey DaniKaren: I am doing a 5 day juice fast the 1st week of Feb... I had done a 30 day juice fast in July and I have to admit I don't know how on earth i was able to last that long but the most important thing is that it is indeed possible. I did do some research on different reviews before I had started just so I would…
  • Hey everyone well today I am on day 2. I was supposed to start on Monday but was having some technical difficulties with my juicer. Thankfully my bf was able to get it fixed Monday night, so was able to start yesterday (tues). I have decided to keep track of my weightloss in this 5 day fast. SW 163.4 Day2 159.6 I have…
  • My juicer arrived during the weekend so I have decided to do my 5 day fast this week. The last time I did a juice fast was July 2013 which I did for a month, and I have to admit that I have tried to do a few small fasts after that without much luck. So I have made 2014 the year where anything goes!! I will give it my all…
  • Hey everyone! Well I have been overweight for as long as I remember, but since last year I have been working on finally putting in the effort to actually achieve me goals of weight-loss. I am 25 yrs old, 5'3" and SW 161.4 GW: 115-110, depending on how I feel at 115 I will decide about the last 5lbs. Good luck everyone! We…
  • In the past when I would try to "diet" I would not have any cheat days, which made things just frustrating because I would constantly think about all the foods I craved. Up until the point where I would give up and binge on all sorts of unhealthy foods. But ever since I have given up dieting and changed my mentality that…
  • Congrats for your fantastic work!!
  • Well when I was going to the gym I started out just like you, only doing cardio for a while. When I was ready for weight lifting I asked one of the trainers and he gave me different routines and showed my how to use the machines correctly. I suggest you ask a trainer that is working. Once you get familiarized with the…
  • I am 5'3'' with a pear shape so I find that I have wider hips, right now I'm at 152 and wear a tight size 9 jeans.
  • Hello, I think this is an awesome group and would love to join =)
  • Wow you look fantastic! Keep up the excellent work =)
  • "Your mind gives up before your legs do" Like many challenges in life a huge part of it is mental. You are stronger than the voice in the back of your head that complains about being tired, that craves junk food and just wants to give up. You CAN make changes, you CAN achieve your goals. Sure in the beginning you might…