

  • I had the same problem at first...4 weeks and saw virtually no weight loss...BUT I kept at it and I have now lost 5 pounds...seems that every time I step on the scale is is going down. Your weight can fluctuate up to 2 pounds during a day and 4 pounds from one day to the next. Just keep working at it, track your calories,…
  • Walking ans swimming are great and low key ways to work out. There is also a video series with walking...its by Leslie Sansone. It could work if you can't get out to walk. They are low impact and still keep you entertained.
  • Week 1 Goal: 3500 Day 1: 766 (3 videos and working around the house!) Day 2: 569 (2 hikes at the nature center about 4.5 miles) Day 3: 626 (various aerobics and running) Day 4:321 (mowing, yard work, walking) Day 4: 521 (running and walking) Day 6:none :( Day 7: Total: 2803
  • http://www.healthstatus.com/ This website has a tab - calculators. One of the calculators is a calorie calculator and can help determine the calories you burn during various exercises. It is helpful and has tons of information that I found really interesting. Now sure I am allowed to post the link, but I thought it was…
  • Week 1 Goal: 3500 Day 1: 766 (3 videos and working around the house!) Day 2: 569 (2 hikes at the nature cents about 4.5 miles) BUT I think it was more since the calculator just did a "walking" calculation and this was way harder than walking! :) Day 3: calories burned (how they were burned) Day 4:calories burned (how they…
  • Thanks....started today off horribly! Ate two cupcakes....have not idea why I can't control that. Will do the 500 today to burn off the cupcakes!
  • Hello! I am 34 and in the US - Ohio. I have gained weight steadily over the last 10 years or so and have constantly tried to lose weight. I managed to lose 20 pounds last year but gained it all back and more when I stress-fractured my hip running. :( I am now at my heaviest weight ever (minus the times I have been…
  • Day one complete! Now to get through the rest of the week!
  • SHOES!! I used to get shin splits all the time. Almost gave up the idea of being a runner. I went to get fitted at the running spot after trying everything from proper warm ups to stretching. After I bought my new shoes I never had that issue again!!
  • Great Job with the running. I was never a runner, but in the spring was convinced to try it. I have now done 9 miles in one run and several 6 mile runs My trick...interval running. I started running 30 s, walking 30s. Then it was run 1 minute, walk 30 sec. I worked up to 2 min run:1min walk and now I am working on…
  • I suggest seeing your doctor too for a check-up. Also you seem to be getting yourself depressed over the situation and that could really be bad for you. I think sometimes your body hits a plateau where it gets used to doing something and you stay in a holding pattern for a while. You could try changing something up to try…
  • I feel your pain. If I eat the calories from exercise, I don't lose weight. I know it is important, so if I do eat back my 50% I try to only eat good protein and vegetables. That way, I know that the carbs will not get me! It seems to do the trick when I actually lose weight. It seems to work for me. I also never eat back…
  • I know how you feel. I always seem to go back to the bad habits that got me in this situation. I hope that you do no give up. I starting posting notecards with reasons why I don't want to go back to the bad habits. Now everytime I open the fridge I see, "I want to be in a picture with my kids where I don't hate the way I…
  • I have young children and 40 pounds to loose! Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend!