lubylu37 Member


  • Thanks ftrobbie
  • Well just completed Week 8 Day 1, in fact I actually ran for 3 miles which is 5K (more than I was supposed to!) ...aaghh I'm so happy I made it to 3miles, however word of warning ..... DON'T PUT YOUR HTC M8 PHONE NEXT TO YOUR TREADMILL (I know running outside this won't be a problem) after getting into the swing of things…
  • Well I've been away for 2 weeks and was hoping to continue with my workout running in the great outdoors, but I couldn't regulate my breathing or set my pace and failed completely so gave up, I really didn't like the feeling. I came back after my run feeling rather disappointed. So to cut a story short I haven't run for 3…
  • I love reading all your comments and appreciate them all. I'm a late comer to the whole idea of running and I'm using the Couch 2 5K app and managed to get to Week 7 and feeling pretty good about it but the thought of not being able to be in my comfort zone (on the treadmill) is freaking me out seen as though I'm at the…
  • FANTASTIC ....Well done you! Week 8 is looming and I'm really not looking forward to it ... mind you ... I felt like this about W5D3 and managed it so I'll just keep plodding on.
  • Well done Snoringcat that's great, I've just done w6d2 today and was struggling a little just didn't feel right, my legs felt tired. Think I'll leave it a little longer before I do w6d3 as I need to muster the energy to get through the 22mins. Good luck for your next run.
  • Thank you!! That's exactly what I thought ...selfish :wink: I know I'll do it, just didn't want or need any competition, it's only because I'm very competitive and like to win so doing it on my own is good, doing it with someone else who loses faster than me and can run further too (bearing in mind he only started running…
  • WTG! Well done. It's a great feeling when you accomplish something you were not looking forward to, believe me I've had a few of them recently. Good luck everyone for the next one. Feel free to add me too ... I might need it now I have competition in the house :laugh:
  • Ok ... this is going to sounds really childish ... I know ... just let me be self indulgent in my wallowing .... I've made the decision to become more healthy, eating and exercising and I feel I'm doing really well, I'm feeling great and losing weight to boot! Which is fab but I work EXTREMELY hard for every 1/2lb, 1/4lb…
  • I DID IT .... I DID IT .... :laugh: I was dreading the w5d3 20 min run but I plugged myself into some tunes and went for it, phone went in the back pocket to vibrate when I needed to start and stop, however towards the end of my run it buzzed, so I thought it was reminding me I was half way through, I kept going, then…
  • Cheers Snoringcat, I'm really not looking forward to it but will just get on with it and see how things go. I have a dog so my rest days aren't really resting too, but no point in worrying .... it ain't going to go away so tackle it head on and see what damage I can do to it (not me!) Good luck to you on Monday and don't…
  • Cookiegy, how did you get one with Week 5 Day 3, I have it to do today and I'm a little worried to say the least at the thought of running/jogging for 20mins solid, I'm sure I can do it, but it's the thought of not having a walk. I know you can have a walk as there is nothing stopping me but I'd like to do what's asked of…
  • OMG! Week 5 Day 3! Run for 20mins without a break .... YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT???? I managed to do Day 2 which had a walk in the middle and found that fine but for 20mins without a break, now that's taking it to the next level ... think I'll do that one this afternoon and see how I get on. IPOD fully charged and lots of…
  • I'm on Week 4 Day 2 and blimey is this one a tuffy! I could quite easily give up as I'm struggling but I have a picture of my daughter in front of me and I look at that when I feel like giving up and she gives me my inspiration ...
  • I have run before no major distances though but seemed to plato at 15mins couldn't seem to get past it no matter how hard I tried. So getting back into it via the C25k app and on week 2 day 2 and feeling good, I find it great that I'm not looking at the distance and the time as it vibrates and tells me what to do, so I…
  • I was 14st 4lb and want to get down to 12st 8lbs .. I know it's a lot to lose but I'm looking at 1lb per week, my expectations are not high. To be honest I haven't measured my waist or hips (mainly cos I can't find a tape measure big enough!) so until I do I'm just going on weight. You've posted a link to set my goals but…
  • Wahhhoooo 2lbs lost this week ...get me! Now if I can only keep it up I'll be a very happy girl.
  • I've just started it and on week 1 day 3, feeling good so far but suffering with hayfever which is making my chest feel really tight and heavy so not got the motivation to do it as I can't breathe lol ... but I will, I like the app and can't wait for week 2.
  • Thanks for the link I've had a read but the links on the thread don't seem to work, are they supposed to? Appreciate the reply though ;)
  • Hello again! Well my last attempt at losing weight failed in me 'giving up' I got too demotivated with my bodies lack of interest in shedding a few pounds despite to whole effort I put in but here I am again, trying to do the same thing. This time I am armed with a mobile app and I'm back on the treadmill doing the couch…
  • I do get a little confused, if I have a 1500 calorie target and in exercise I look at burning 300 calories does that mean I should be eating 1800 calories to net 1500 or eat 1500 and net 1200. I think this is where I go wrong, any advice?