louiseoxford Member


  • Aw is somebody jealous?
  • I am still so sad that Hershel died! Love the theory about Carol and Judith...I hope that happens! Mixed feelings about the episode, I generally find Carl quite irritating but I enjoyed his character journey last night. I really don't think it was Michonne at the door at the end though...! Not really a fan of when they…
  • Small handful of frozen blueberries, small handful of chopped up frozen strawberries, half a small banana, 200ml of almond milk and a little squirt of honey - wizz in a blender for delicious fresh breakfast smoothie! I can't really eat 'proper' food early in the morning so this smoothie is perfect for me!
  • Open diary to friends, add me if you like :)
  • I completely feel for you! I signed up for a 10k at work as I wanted to throw myself into running as a fair few of my friends love running, they kept telling me to battle on and soon I will start to enjoy it...I never did, it really wasn't for me, I did my 10k (badly) and then stopped. I have now discovered that I LOVE…
  • People across the UK call it different things, this is usually due to where they live! My mum and dad are from Yorkshire (up north) and always used to call it tea yet we lived in the South where people called it dinner or supper! I guess it is quite confusing as tea is obviously also the drink. Anyway! Some of the ladies…
  • Hi, I'm afraid it is just willpower, I have always struggled with resisting bad food that may be near by but you really do have to step back and remember your goals, remember how bad food makes you feel afterwards (guilty, bloated, sluggish) and refrain. If I feel like I need to eat junk I now stop myself, drink some water…
  • I agree with the people who say it depends on you and how controlled you can be with yourself! If I have a cheat day then I usually fall off the wagon all together and really go crazy with food (turns into a cheat week). However, a meal out or 'cheat' meal (pasta bake or similar) once every couple of weeks works for me, I…
  • Hi! I'm 25 from the West Midlands, have been on MFP a couple of times over the years but never stuck to it because as soon as I eat something bad and go over my allowance I give up!! This time I'm taking it slow and not denying myself the bad (good!) stuff but doing it in moderation. I would love to finally lose a stone…
  • I am completely the same as you! I never eat beef or pork and only very occasionally I eat chicken. Home made veggie bean burgers are delicious, this is an excellent recipe: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/9978/mexican-bean-burgers-with-lime-yogurt-and-salsa Veggie chilli is a favourite of mine, you don't notice the…