He did this feat all during sprinting competition . He was running so fast because he was "touching cotton ".
a calorie berned is a caloire earned
I like you.
Well its my only protien source.
You recited my thread back to me empazizing on my key points, I think im lost?
thats knot nice. I count my calories. See I just berned 6.5 calories typing this, and I sneezed (+ .75 calorie)
Those who fail to prepare , fail to ... theres an old saying in texas. A calorie is a calorie. A calorie berned is a calorie earned.
Again internet over there not werking Mcfly
LOL clearly your internet is not werking
did you knew there is a chemical protien in turkey called trichnosis that makes you sleepy? thats why you sleep so good on thanksgivin night.
My rool of thumb is: (cals burned) prepering turky : 750 opening can of cranberrie: 265 cooking punkin pie: 375 opening cool whip :245 openiong stuffin box :80 prepering stuffinh; 500 each bite (=chomp chomp);7.5
I also furgot about; zero bar score bar rollos ferrari roche willy wonka payday heath butterfinger clark I likes all the chocalote
Gooch material is cheaper
Bread = carbohydrates = devil Toast = more desirable form of bread = devil Toaster = carbohydrate devil maker = hell Therefore a toaster is not a toaster , agreed.
I like sarcasm.
Does this question pertain to a "pimp/ho" situation?
So England doesnt exist to the Irish?
Then I plan on never seeing another canadian, cant unsee that picture.
:::dabs maple syrup and sawdust behind ears::: Meh... :::awaits barage of secksy canadian ladies::::
::::pants tight::::
ok you have my attention
seems to be werking