

  • Maybe you'll like a boxing style cardio? Punching a bag, rope ect.
  • lol, not possible! But how do you feel? What's your heart rate now?
  • Lower your body fat. I've tried it all: no food helps, no kind of exercise. Core stuff might help with looks as it tightens the area but there's no spot reduction with fat.
  • Rodney Yee Power Yoga and Burn Yoga are good. In P90X, StrechX is nice, so are the streching in Les Mills Combat but they are not sold seperately.
  • +1 Low impact, good workout!
  • Try them first then decide. I don't do Jillian anymore cos for some reason I had a knee injury when I did 30DS but maybe that's just me, idk. Can't say if it was my fault or hers.
  • I know that yes, what you eat doesn't matter if you eat less than you burn. I have lost weight while eating cake/sweets ect, but now I don't anymore as I'm trying to add some muscle tone and every calorie counts. :) Of course I'd tell you it's better not to eat crap but it's your life and your choices.
  • If you push hard enough, you won't NEED anything else. Trust me. Insanity is well, insane.
  • First of all: Hello there! If that's you in your picture, I'd say you are a very positive and beautiful person! :) I've struggled with your exact problem (minus the vomiting part as I couldn't make myself do it) for about a year until I started working out. Yoga helped me a lot. The days I did it, I didn't binge or starve…
  • Jillian's Body Revolution has more workouts and P90X is usually fun (I like Tony but there are many who don't). Les Mills Combat is soooo good when I'm bored! Great music, always something different and makes you stay focused.
  • 30DS is the one with synergistic exercises right? (been awhile since last I did it so I'm watching the whole thing again) Hmm. Weird. Seems like she does say a lot about form. Probably I was injured by a combo of lack of understanding (English is not my mother tounge) and synergistic exercises which need a strong…
  • People who have been losing a lot of fat (+50lbs) can tell you how many times they ate more than they wanted to during their journey. It will happen. There will be that time when you'll be hungry or stressed or your body won't take the restrictions no more. The point is not to be perfect but to try your best. Calm down,…
  • If you have the need to actually ask people 'Is it worth it?' then something's off. See, I've done Insanity and I wouldn't do it ever again. I know there are many who like the program but I felt like crap most of the time. I couldn't sleep well, think well, live well and I consumed something around 2500-3000cal per day. I…
  • P90 and P90 Masters Series, Kickboxing for dummies, Biggest Loser's dvds are all begginer/intermediate. I've personally done all of those and imo, the Biggest Loser's were the best for fast weight loss. :) edit: I've done both P90X and Body Revolution. I wouldn't reccomend either to someone who has 100lbs to lose.
  • Agreed. From the many dvds I've tried, P90X is one of the safest, especially if you do Cardio X instead of Plyo). Well, P90 is safer but that's too easy so it doesn't count. ;)
  • I never liked Jillian's dvds for that exact reason: very little is said about safety. I had knee issues for months after doing a couple of her dvds. Of course it was my fault for haivng bad form but I was just starting out! Anyway. That's just my opinion.
  • Yes, I know. I find it very hard to get more protein as I'm living with my parents (in Albania btw...) and I have to make compromises with them about food. Money is another issue: tofu and nuts are very expensive here, not to mention low fat milk and cheese. I've been taking whey in the past but now I can't afford that…
  • Thank you very much. I will do some more calculations and start a small deficit diet after I finish month3 in maintenance. You were so freaking helpful-I thought I was going to go nuts with the amounts of contradicting information! <3
  • BTW: I opened my food diary (have no idea why I had it closed anyway). @jjski88 :I look that I gained fat- hip/waist measurements and my mirror say so. Also, I've had both fat ratios calculated with the same calipers and with the same formulas so if there is an error I think it's not important as I'm comparing data with…
  • Walking got me results. Try I love doing it when I'm feeling ill. Or when I just can't go out cos it's too cold or too hot. :)
  • Spot reduction is not possible but core exercises can make the belly look a bit firmer. I've had better results with belly fat with Insanity (but lol, I have to say that I saw results with ALL of my bodyfat) and Zumba. Anyway. Eat less, work out more, don't overdo it. :)
  • 1. Well, it's not mandatory for weight loss. If you like it then yes but do find someone to help you with good form. 2. 1200 is very little. But your stomach is the ultimate teller, if it's Very hungry, then it's too little. 3. I used to take one day per week then a day per month. I think junk food is just junk but it is…
  • I had the same problem. I know exactly how you feel, when you get into binge mode you don't need anyone pushing you to eat more. So, maybe you can find some other place to live? idk My technique was to scare the **** out of my family about obesity, making slideshow presentation (lol, yeah..) of what unhealthy eating can do…
  • Bless this topic! I have horrible cravings three days before (it's like the alarm clock to my irregular periods) and I cope with vegetables. I literally stuff myself with them until I can eat no more. My stomach hurts after but no harm done calorie wise.
  • I'm on week 7, second time doing P90X. :)
  • 300+ is not a very bad day. It's not good enough, yeah, but not something you need to be hard on yourelf. Do not workout to burn more, rather try to stick to your plans. I did that in the past and I ended up gaining more fat and injuring myself.
  • Not much of a succes for me. I tried 1400cal a day and I thought I was going to die for food. I was so hungry and unhappy but I kept on for about 3 months. I lost nothing, not one pound. Then I became anemic too. My doctor wanted to treat me for anorexia-which is funny considering how much I wanted to eat more! I think if…
  • The whole 'you either lose or gain' is something I can't understand, really. I've been able to both lose fat in considerable amounts and gain (admitfully not a lot of) muscle. Anyway, the point of my question is not 'am I doing wrong of taking protein powder when I'm trying to lose weight?' but 'protein shakes are stored…
  • Try to eat something very low cal, like tomatoes, carrots, ...any kind of (high fiber) vegetable will do. Find one that you like and eat all you want. Or all you can. lol
  • lol, I agree. I recall losing weight while eating heavy cream cake. Not that what do you eat doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter for weight loss.