smh1067 Member


  • 1. Honey 2. Banana 3. Unsweetened cocoa powder 4. Fat free cottage cheese 5. Milk The ingredients to make my favorite breakfast/sweet craving killer. Protein filled and tastes like a delicious shake! And honey is my #1 because I've replaced adding sugar anything with adding a dab of honey and switched from coffee with…
  • Great transformation! Way to go!!!
  • Talk about an inspiration!! I'm so happy for you that you took control of your health and turned your life around!! You are amazing!!
  • Incredible!!! And I beg to differ. At least in these pictures anyway, you look many years younger!!! Way to go!
  • Awesome, great work!!
  • Honestly, I changed how I measured my progress. I started measuring inches, and in 6 weeks of not losing a single pound, I lost almost 15 inches. I might have given up if I hadn't started measuring. And I'm not a weight lifter or anything, just cardio and some light resistance band/exercise ball work. After that, I upped…
  • In my experience, what the food is doesn't affect my weight loss, just the number of calories in vs. out. What the food is DOES affect how I feel overall though. Cutting fat out of my diet doesn't mean I burn more fat, it just means I feel foggy.
  • Right now I'm slightly obsessed with Teavana teas. Some say overpriced, I say the only tea I've ever like. And it's not just like, it's love lol. My fave is there white (some word that starts with "A" that I can't spell) chai. Also love blueberry bliss mixed with pinapple kona pop. Followed by caramel almond amaretti. It's…
  • I find adding fruit to my day really helps keep those cravings down. I have the best success with a smoothie in the morning that tastes like dessert: 1/2 milk, 1/2 c fat free cottage cheese, 1-2 tbs baking cocoa, a few drops vanilla, 1 banana, 1 tbs honey or sweetener of choice, 8-10 ice cubes. Blend until smooth. You can…
  • Way to go, you look fantastic and it shows in the expression on your face :)
  • Fantastic!! Keep it up!
  • Awesome NSV!!
  • "A year from now, you'll wish you started today." This quote is what actually got me started, and even though I started over a month ago now, I still say it every day. Because if I give up today, a year from now I'll wish I hadn't.
  • I'm a big believer in softly, softly. Not because I think people should make excuses, but I think people have to take responsibility for their own choices and it's not my place to "shame on you." Although I don't want to coddle that either. If you made a mistake, I won't point the finger at you, but I'm not going to sit…
  • I've found that drinking extra water actually flushes water out. I was only drinking 4 cups a day for a few days and when I weighed in I'd only lost 1/2 pound when my calorie deficit said it should've been 2. I drank 10 cups of water that day (luckily I was home because I was running to the bathroom every 10 minutes lol)…
  • Not joint pain, but headaches. Awhile back I was replacing my beloved Sprite with Crystal Light (I'm talking it's what I drank all day) and I was having horrible headaches. I heard mention of the negative side effects of Aspartame not long after that so I stopped drinking the CL, and the headaches were gone. I thought it…
  • 1, 2, 3, or 4. Depends on what it is really. If it's birthday cake, I just resist since I don't love birthday cake so it's not worth the calories to me. Before I would've eaten it just to eat something sweet. I modify recipes to make them less calorie dense so they fit in my budget better, like having homemade pizza…
  • Thanks for your kind words! And I agree about creating intelligent conversation, just didn't want to discourage anyone's efforts. What a great community we have here! Happy early Valentines Day to you too!
  • What an incredible transformation in 7 months, way to go! And I'm married so I don't usually post things like this, but I just have to say - Yum! lol you have done a fantastic job! Thanks for sharing your progress.
  • I just wanted to publicly apologize and say I'm truely sorry for upsetting you, that wasn't my intention. I know you are putting a lot of effort in, I was just trying to be helpful and share the knowledge I'd gleaned from this site and all of its helpful memebers because I didn't want to see you stall out. It just seemed…
  • I don't think anyone answered, it's powdered peanut butter. You can add it powdered to things, or you can mix it with water until it's the consistency you like and use it like regular peanut butter. PB2 also makes a peanut butter chocolate flavor that's good added into things too.
  • I use the PB2 as well. It's not Jiff, but it's a decent stand in sometimes. I use it in things I want peanut butter flavor in like oatmeal or smoothies, but I still use Jiff for things like peanut butter toast. The fat in it keeps me fuller longer than the PB2.
  • :noway: :laugh: From the mouths of babes!
  • I don't like them either. I just work with the few I do like and then hide the rest from myself. You can add low flavor veggies to smoothies (a few cooked carrots or sweet potoato, a little cooked squash, even a handful of spinach!) or even the same ones to spaghetti or pizza sauce shredded or pureed up or even added to…
  • It's just about changing how you view sweets. You don't have to say no to all of them, just plan them in when you want them. If you're going somewhere you know will serve sweets you'll want, plan for that too. I'm not from the camp of eating healthy 100% of the time. It's just not realistic for me right now. I do know that…
  • I second the banana ice cream with cocoa powder! Or these banana muffins are only 90 cals (their info says 80, but I got different when I plugged them in MFP). We really enjoyed them! Don't overmix though or they get a little rubbery, still delicious, but rubbery lol.…
  • I've read through the entire post so far, and it doesn't seem other people are attacking you or your lifestyle, but are giving their personal opinion on the subject since an opinion was asked for. Don't get me wrong, you're entitled to give your opinion too, but the way you phrase things seems to be unnecessarily…
  • Here's a link to the instructions :)