Fuzzystump Member


  • Thanks, that link provided makes some sense (http://www.sparkpeople.com/community/ask_the_experts.asp?q=75). It would lead me to believe that on leg days, for instance, it would be relatively accurate due to the large amount of muscle being used. To be truthful, the majority of our workouts revolve around high intensity…
  • Wow, you have gotten many replies (some of them good) just in the past few minutes. I took a quick peek at your food intake and that is a weak area for you. Pretty much every day I saw "non-optimal" food for losing weight. You are making some decent choices most days but then you sabotage yourself with kit kats, ice…
  • The type and timing of your carb sources are very important. Carbs that spike your insulin are best early in the day or pre/post weight training. Alot of times I like to go low-zero carb after 4pm and it seems to help my body lose fat. If I want carbs at night it's primarily on weight training days and then I choose…