

  • Hoping you have someone who can do some exercises with you. That's my best motivator. Husband & girlfriends come with me for walks. My step-daughter went with me several times & we were booking it. Left husband in the dust. LOL :D She's back in school now, so friends come with me now. We go to an area that is not out on a…
  • Prayers for both you & hope39, mcspears22. Especially on vacation, just try to be a little more conscious of your calorie intake & make sure to drink plenty of water. I've always struggled with my weight. All my family members are heavy & I've tried not to get to the point some of them are at now (sisters at 300 lbs - I've…
  • Agree with unckat09 about taking it one day at a time. I hurt my calf yesterday morning during a work-out so can't do anymore until it heals. Been using wii fit & wii active & walking/jogging to help get myself back in shape. Prayers for encouragement for you to get back on track. You are doing it the right & smart way.…
  • Friends have told me the P90x is very difficult. Seems like it is for the ones who don't need to lose a lot of weight or are fairly active. I thought about getting & using it but instead went with the wii fit w/balance board & wii active, more activities. I really need to get wii active 2 for the heart monitor & leg band…
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