

  • I often have that same problem. However, I am very stubborn and have refused to give in to the temptation of eating. In my case, eating is an emotional "cane" that helps me deal. When I set my mind to it and know I have a very specific goal, I just dont take extra food to work or keep alot of foods that are "snacking…
  • Honestly, I think that you know what you can and cannot do! You mentioned you can stretch and walk so if you feel like judo tomorrow will be too much, take a brisk walk!! I love working out as well so I understand what you are going through. I would also take the Advil!! It will helo decrease the swelling and possibly take…
  • I love to snack as well!! There are 2 things that I do to kind of get me away from all the snacking... Each time I want a snack, I drink a glass of water and think about the reasons whi I want to diet and what the end goal will be. And I mean the entire glass! Water helps fill you and also is an aid to weight loss. If that…