xXWhisperaXx Member


  • if only my will power allowed me to indulge "just a little" :tongue: Thanks for the suggestion. I'll make sure I eat lots of the healthy snacks that are out before going for cake too- to fill me up more. :]
  • If none of what others are suggesting is whats going on I would suggest going to the doctor. I don't know a lot about this situation (and I don't want to freak you out- this probably isn't the problem) but my grandma's neighbor gained a TON of weight-- to the point that she literally looked bloated-- and I don't remember…
  • I find that I have the same problem very often. One thing that everyone suggests and may help is to drink more water. Filling your stomach with water will trick you into feeling more full. Other than that maybe try chewing some low calorie gum or something. Another suggestion is to eat something but chew each bite 15-20…
  • Hey, I'm relatively new as well. I've been on this site for less than a month and am also looking for some people to help motivate me and give pointers on my food and activity stuff. I'm currently at a standstill. I'll lose a pound and then gain it plus an extra one back. I'm really struggling and am starting to get…
  • Thanks for the feedback. Since I started tracking calories I've been much more aware of what I eat. I used to not eat many fruits and veggies but I'm working hard to incorporate more into my diet. Furthermore, the thing I notice the most is that I consistently go over on my sodium. I'm trying so hard to prepare things that…