angellmoore Member


  • I eat "cleaner". I avoid heavily processed food like the plague. I eat tons of fruits and veggies, and things that are as close to natural as I can find in my little podunk town. :) When I switched to this I found a website that was very helpful, It does work. I have lost weight before eating junk and…
  • I eat peanut butter every single day! I love it. It is my super healthy treat. I use either Smuckers natural creamy pb which only has peanuts and salt or Meijer Naturals crunchy which only has peanuts. It is not bad for you at all. Packed with healthy fat and protein.
  • When I first started it I burned around 150 calories. I finished it, then did ripped in 30. Now when I go back to 30 day shred I am lucky if I burn 100 calories.
  • Danny Carey from Tool!
  • I did give in and have a cheat meal. We celebrated my sis in law's b-day at a Japanese Grill. I did feel guilty, and made sure to only eat half (or less) of what they gave me. I felt sick the next morning and got right back on track. It proved to me that eating clean and healthy is what I am supposed to be doing. :)
  • Thanks everyone! I am looking forward to my cheat meal. I know I shouldn't feel guilty about it, but for some reason I do. :)
  • I usually have celery and peanut butter.
  • Thanks! I will check out that site. I asked the doctor if i could run and he said no so I haven't done it. I can do squats, but crunches are uncomfortable due to the splint on my arm. I'm trying to stay really active so hopefully that will help. :)
  • When I first started this I did a Jillian Michaels DVD 7 days a week. Plus I ran 4 days a week on top of doing the DVD. I did that for 3 months. Now I make sure to take one day off to rest those muscles. I still try to be active that 7th day, but not do a full on work-out. I have learned the body needs time to rest and…
  • It took me about 3 months. It has slowed way down now.
  • I have a pit bull named Tyson who is the most awesome dog. He is very loyal and loving. He also thinks he is a spoiled human baby. :)
  • Just stick with it. Snacks are fine as long as they are within your total calorie goal. I am a snacker too. That is why I eat every couple of hours, but little meals. When I first started I snacked on things that were not the best nutritional choices. Now I choose better food. I gave up unhealthy snacks for almonds and…
  • Ugghh! I hate when I plateau. When I read about friends plateau's I always try to give advice (change your routine, don't worry what the scale says) but I can't seem to take my own advice. What is even suckier is my husband lost 0.8lbs and he is nowhere near as stict as I am . He does diet cheats quite often. Hopefully…
  • I'm there (I think). I usually weigh in once a week. I had to work on my last weigh in day so I waited unitl my day off so that changed things up a little. I lost last week, but this week it actually showed that I am up about 1.5lbs. I know that we shouldn't be such a victim of the scales, but it does get discouraging. I…
  • Amazing!! :)
  • Thanks, I work full time (12 hour days) and have a teenage daughter. I get up at 4:15 in the morning to get a work out in before work. It's tough most days to get up when I should be sleeping but I truly believe if you want to do something you will find a way so this is my way. :)
  • Thanks, I am going to try this tomorrow! I am really excited now. :)
  • The only thing that I have given up that I miss is Biggby/Starbucks/McDonalds coffee. I like the yummy (fatty) latte's and frappe's. I miss them. :( I still have my coffee, but it is plain and from home.
  • Paul Walker!! :)
  • Protein helps keep you feeling full for longer and also helps you build lean muscle. I am almost always over on my protein. Don't sweat it. :)
  • When I puked in the middle of my run. I didn't stop though. I just wiped off my face and kept going. :)
  • Try a change in your routine, even for just one day. I have read that when you hit a plateau you should (for one day only) eat about 500 calories more. Sometimes that is enough of a shock to your system to kickstart weight loss again. Also mix up exercises. Don't do the same ones all the time. I haven't hit a plateau yet…
  • Don't always listen to the scale. How do you feel? Are your clothes getting bigger? Do you have more energy and stamina? These things are a much better indicator than your scale. I am a scale junkie, but it's not the only thing I go by. Be patient and keep motivated. It will change. Make sure you are eating enough. We…
    in Help Me Comment by angellmoore June 2012
  • I have a friend who is a personal trainer so I asked her about this question. At least for my routine this was her answer. I can only get in a 30 min workout 3 days a week (I work 12 hour days). But on the other 4 days I work out for at least an hour. She said on days that I work out for only 30 min do not eat back those…
  • I am a respiratory therapist. I work at two hospitals. One of them I am on my feet almost all day. The other one is slower and I have a lot more down time. I know that my body is used of being busy so I get up at 4:15 every morning and work out before work. I work 12 hour shifts so I know that if I wait until after work it…
  • Today was day 9 of level 1. It still kills, but not as bad. Mainly the jumping jacks then jumpropes. I love it!! I also do other exercise during the day to help with the stiffness and such. I walk my dog and was even able to jog with him yesterday. I have not taken a break from 30d shred. I've read that some people do and…
  • Way to go!!! Very inspiring! :)
  • My mom is awesome!! When my dad died (I was 14, my bro 11) she raised us and showed us strength when I know she was not strong enough. She never let that show. She has fought her demons and through it all she has loved us the best way she could. Even if I didn't always understand her I have always loved her. She continues…
  • Sorry didn't read the chicken part!! :)
  • I love wendy's chili so I found this recipe to make it at home. I put all the ingredients in the crock pot and simmer all day. I only use 1lb of lean ground beef though.