

  • Well Hi everyone, the Essex group seems a little quiet, that's a bit out of character? I live in Colchester, divorced and have a wonderful 6yr old girl, however she told me I'm getting fat so it's time to tone the flabby bits and change my lifestyle. I have a sedantry job and have lacked motivation and accountability in…
  • Hi all, I'm Martin, 37, Colchester, UK. Just rejoined MFP after a 4yr break. I'm divorced and father of my 6yr old daughter. I want to get in shape to make sure I can enjoy my time with her as much as possible (and she told me I had a podgy belly, the cheek!) Add me, Thanks.
  • Hi I'm Martin, only re-joined today after a 4yr absence - oops 1 - I can complete a Rubiks Cube in less than 10 minutes from any starting point (those under 20yrs ask your parents what a Rubiks Cube is) 2- I have a hamster called Alan 3 - Misophonia is when a person is annoyed by the sound of someone breathing, eating, or…
  • First off, stand tall with your feet facing forward and together and your weight in the middle of your feet. Put your arms straight at your sides and then bend your elbows and put your hands on your hips. Make sure your head is centered and you're not putting any strain on your neck. Focus on a point in directly in front…