

  • Glad you found the problem! Hope it corrected and improved everything!
  • Aaron, The science is there and available to you. If you want to run the numbers yourself you are welcome to. Spouting anecdotal 'experience' and opinions aren't helpful to anyone. If you want to show that a basic calorie restriction within the bounds of estimated body fat is harmful - please provide a resource. I'm…
  • 4'10" and 100 lb is a BMI of 21. Dead middle of 'average: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/BMI/bmicalc.htm Yes. There's a thing called nutritional science. It dictates how metabolism, lipid mobilization, and functional nutrition work. You're welcome to read about it. Here's a few links to get you started:…
  • Use this www.keto-calculator.ankerl.net to find your base metabolic rate (and TDEE) which is the base amount of calories your body needs per day. Set the calculator to Sedentary - the exercise we will add later. There are a number of links to help you estimate body fat visually - figure out which one is closest for you,…
  • I think your TDEE estimate is a bit high (unless you are averaging in exercise and not adding it separately). Try www.keto-calculator.ankerl.com and ignore the keto part of it if you arent interested in that. Honestly you have a very small deficit which means you will see very slow weight loss. Assuming you are 155 and 35%…
  • Kale chips, pork rinds, almond meal crackers, and you can get all kinds of other crunch nut based stuff!
  • when you do bench are you in more of a T shape or do your elbows come closer to your body more like a W? Most people incorrectly bench with their elbows all the way out to the sides, when proper form keeps them about 45 degrees out from your side. Tons of people develop shoulder and chest problems from incorrect bench form.
  • GOMAD and Stronglifts 5x5. Super easy - add a gallon of WHOLE milk to your diet EVERY DAY for a month, and start lifting heavy. The stronglifts program is free online, just google it! Your school gym will have the squat rack you need. Once you start you will get addicted to the feeling of being strong and eating big!
  • Blytheny, Fat loss will always be a function of diet before exercise. To help with making a diet easier, we try to build more lean mass to sustain our metabolism. You're on the right path to start strength training instead of cardio! It turns out that cardio really impedes lean muscle gain, and while it burns a decent…
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